
  • 网络Detail
  1. 基于PDB机制的压力容器焊接节点图图库创建技术

    Graphic Database Building Technique of Pressure Vessel Welding Joint Based on PDB

  2. 根据RPC节点图生成树算法,提出了视频人体姿态估计算法,和基于RPC生成树模型的推理算法。

    According to RPC node graph spanning tree algorithm , proposed human body posture estimation algorithm for video , and RPC-based spanning tree model inference algorithm .

  3. 在采用双层节点图对卫星网络建模的基础上,提出一种基于PMC测试无效模型的卫星网络故障识别算法,并证明了算法的正确性。

    After modeling satellite networks with two-level-node graph , a fault identification algorithm based on PMC test invalidation model is presented and proved to be correct .

  4. 并提出了基于相关动作簇的运动模型,为了缩减搜索空间,提出RPC节点图生成树算法,并细化了RPC的节点合并,节点分裂和生成树平衡算法。

    And put forward relevant actions based on the movement of the cluster model , in order to reduce the search space , spanning tree algorithm proposed RPC node graph , and refinement of the merger of RPC nodes , node splitting and spanning tree balancing algorithm .

  5. 另外还举例说明了水节点图在制浆造纸节水中的一些应用。

    In addition , some application examples of water pinch diagram are illustrated .

  6. 讨论钢结构设计中节点图的自动标注算法。

    This paper discusses an automatic dimension algorithm for joint drawing in Steel Structure CAD system .

  7. 对景洪水电站通风廊道进行了假设简化并绘制了网络节点图;

    Put up hypothesis and simplification on ventilation tunnel and draw ventilation network nodes chart in Jinghong hydropower plant .

  8. 设计图的深度和表示方法通过设计图样表达,图样包括设计总说明、结构布置图、节点图、构件图。

    The deepness of drawings and expressive method for design drawings are expressed by general specification , structural layout , details drawing , members drawing .

  9. 并以单层铝板面料为例简介了铝板幕墙的设计、安装方法及基本节点图。

    The example of using single-layer aluminium sheet will explain the design of aluminium sheet curtain wall , the methods of installation and the draft of basic join point connecting .

  10. 通过分析水资源系统供、用、耗和排各个环节中所涉及的各类元素及其作用,抽象概括出系统中存在的主要对象,建立符合实际的水资源系统节点图。

    The major objects in the system are extracted based on the analysis on the conceptualized basic elements of the system in the procedure of providing , using , consuming and drainage of water and their relationships .

  11. linuxlinsched.h中定义的拓扑结构定义了处理器的数量以及它们如何相互关联(映射到物理包和节点分布图)。

    The topology structure , defined in linux_linsched . h , defines the number of processors and how they relate to one another ( mapping to a physical package and node distance map ) .

  12. 该算法首先将抽取网页结构和视觉信息构造一个无向加权图,其中图的顶点是网页DOM树中的可视叶子节点,图的边为浏览器中显示的节点位置关系。

    The algorithm firstly distills vision and structure information from a web page to construct a weighted undirected graph , whose vertices are the leaf nodes of the DOM tree and the edges represent the visible position relationship between vertices .

  13. CWSE-E模型是基于CWSE模型和TERM模型的改进和拓展研究,包括改进水资源节点网络图和构建用于区域间一般均衡分析的水资源子模块。

    The CWSE-E model is the improvement and expansion of the CWSE model and TERM model , including the improving of water source node network diagram and the building the water sub-modules for regional general equilibrium model analysis .

  14. 绘制出了慢性胃炎常用中药复杂网络节点分类图。

    We draw out the classified graph of complex network nodes of herbs commonly used for chronic gastritis .

  15. 本文以路网规划区公路干线走向的简单节点网络图为例,分析动态规划在实际路网规划公路干线走向确定中的应用。

    This paper gives an example of simple nodes network illustration of highway arterial trend in highway planning area , analysizes dynamic planning actual applications in highway network planning .

  16. 该算法在对图像进行构造图之前,先对原图像构造块,然后再以这些块区域为节点构造图,进而再用等周算法对图像进行分割。

    This algorithm first constructs blocks for the image and then uses the blocks as nodes to construct graph , and then uses the Isoperimetric algorithm to segment the image .

  17. 当模式完成部署后,模式中的每个部分都会导致创建一个虚拟机,其中包含由该部分表示的WebsphereApplicationServer节点类型(图2)。

    When the pattern is deployed , each of the parts in the pattern results in the creation of a virtual machine containing the WebSphere Application Server node type represented by the part ( Figure 2 ) .

  18. 第二章介绍了虚拟现实建模语言VRML的核心原理和体系结构,并对VRML中的一些重要概念如节点、场景图结构、事件体系、扩展机制等作了详细介绍。

    Chapter 2 introduce the principle and system architecture of VRML , especially focus on the important concepts , such as node , scene graph structure , event system and extended mechanism .

  19. 基于节点的线状图骨架提取算法研究

    An joint point based skeletonization algorithm of line images

  20. 至此,您已经创建了一个包含3个节点的树图组件。

    At this point , you 've created a tree chart component with three nodes .

  21. 本文主要介绍节点设计及图档汇编的基本原理和功能。

    In this paper , the fundamental principle for designing nodal detail and editing files are discussed .

  22. 通过对方盒形件拉深成形过程的模拟,得出了拉深不同深度的应力场、应变场分布以及厚度变化、节点位移矢量图;

    Stress field , strain field and the variation of thickness at different depth of drawing are obtained .

  23. 模型由包括有一整套特征节点的树图组成,构成一类金字塔结构的广义语义网络。

    The model is a graph including a set of feature nodes which forms a generalized semantic net with a pyramid-like structure .

  24. 介绍了水节点极限曲线图的作法,并分析了节点图。

    In this paper , the way of drawing water pinch diagram is introduced , and the water pinch diagram is analyzed .

  25. 交互总览图:交互总览图是活动图的变体,它当中的节点表示交互图。

    Interaction overview diagram : An interaction overview diagram is a variant of the activity diagram in which the nodes represent interaction diagrams .

  26. 创新静态算法通过消除波长关系图中孤岛和减少易阻塞节点度数使图的所有节点的度比较均衡而使算法性能提高。

    By eliminating the lonely island and reducing the degree of some nodes easily blocked , novel static algorithm balanced graph connectivity to improve algorithm performance .

  27. 针对传感器节点平面分布图中不规则路由洞,提出采用基于右手规则的路由洞边界节点分类算法,以及采用逐行扫描的路由洞面积估算算法。

    Another algorithm is also proposed to classify the edge nodes of the irregular routing hole and leverage horizontal scan to approximately calculate its area in a planar topology .

  28. 基于此模型及数据图节点和模式图节点的对应关系,提出用户兴趣建模的方法,即基于查询的用户兴趣模式点提取方法。

    Based on the correspondence between nodes in data graph and nodes in schema graph , and a modified computational model , a user interest modeling method is proposed . 3 .

  29. 其次,本文在硬件的设计实现阶段,通过对各个设备的功能需求分析,选取合适的芯片,在画出各个设备节点的原理图的基础上完成电路板。

    In addition , we choose the chips via demand analysis of the devices ' function in the section of hardware design . And the circuit boards are achieved after schematic diagram of every device nodes is done .

  30. 文章介绍了现场总线技术特点及5种典型的现场总线,并给出了基于CAN总线的系统设计原理框图和最小系统节点电原理图。

    This paper introduces 5 typical Field Buses as well as the characteristics of the field bus technology , and then gives out the schematic block diagram of the system design and the circuit schematic diagram of the minimum-system knots based on the CAN Bus .