
  1. 数字化模块在建筑节能检测中的应用

    Application of digital module in the examining of energy saving in construction

  2. 采暖居住建筑节能检测操作过程控制与分析

    The Control and Analysis of Heating Residential Building Energy Saving Test Operation Process

  3. 房屋节能检测中的抽样方案

    Sample Plan in Housing Energy Saving Inspection

  4. 住宅建筑节能综合检测技术研究

    Research on Comprehensive Test Technology for Residential Building Energy Saving

  5. 居住建筑节能现场检测技术及能效评价探讨

    In-situ inspection technology and evaluation discussion for energy efficiency of residential buildings

  6. 两种建筑节能现场检测方法的数值研究

    Numerical simulation research of the two on-the-spot detection methods of the energy-saving building

  7. 耕作机械节能减排检测技术分析与研究

    Technical Analysis and Research of Detection in Energy-saving Emission Reduction to Farming Machinery

  8. 建筑节能现场检测中需要注意的若干问题

    Discussion on issues needing attention in an in-situ inspection of building energy efficiency

  9. 建筑节能现场检测中热流计法的应用

    Application of Heat Flow Meter Field Testing Method in Construction of Energy Conservation Building

  10. 节能产品检测方法和综合评价体系的研究

    The research of the testing method and synthetical judge system for energy saving production

  11. 住宅建筑的节能及其检测技术

    Residential Building Energy Saving and Its Testing Technology

  12. 建筑节能现场检测方法

    In-situ test method for building energy conservation

  13. 介绍一种采用控制管理软件来实现计算机智能化远程控制的节能灯检测系统的设计。

    The article discusses the design of the remote control aging testing system of energy-saving lamps .

  14. 建筑通风与空调工程系统节能性能现场检测

    System Energy-saving Performance Inspect of Ventilation and Air Conditioning Works In Building

  15. 建筑通风与空调工程节能性能现场检测有关问题的探讨

    Discussion of Testing the System Energy-saving Performance of Ventilation and Air Conditioning in Buildings

  16. 外墙节能保温材料检测中若干问题的探讨

    Discussion on Test of Energy-saving Wall Insulation Materials

  17. 作为辐射测温计的红外热像仪,在节能、工业检测、夜间缉私巡逻等方面已获得广泛的应用。

    The thermal imaging infrared system used as radiation thermometer has been applied extensively to energy-saving , industrial inspection and seizing smuggled goods at night on patrol etc.

  18. 为了节省供电电池有限的能量,设计了一套节能的边界检测与追踪协议应用于该系统。

    In order to save limited battery power , this paper also develop an energy-efficiency Oil film Boundary detection and tracking protocol that can be applied in monitoring oil spill .

  19. 节能灯远程控制检测系统的设计

    Design of the Remote Control Aging Testing System of Energy Saving Lamps

  20. 主持开拓城市集中供热、建筑节能、空调设备检测、标准化等方面工作。

    He has presided to exploit the work in the field of city central heating , building energy saving , air-conditioning equipment testing and standardization .

  21. 它可以使一个家庭通过互联网与外界进行信息交流,也可以通过互联网对家中的设备、电器进行过程控制、节能控制、状态检测、智能服务、安全防护等。

    Through Internet , it enables a family to communicate with the outside world and perform many operations on home appliances and electrical appliances , such as , process control , energy-economized control , state detect , intelligent service , safety protect and so on .

  22. 为适应小型制冷装置新能效限制标准的要求,正确评价和检测新产品的节能效果,提高检测技术,研制了能进行多项性能试验的全自动空调器部件测试与性能匹配试验系统。

    In order to adapt the new codes of restricted energy efficiency rate ( or COP ) for small refrigerating unit , an automatic air-conditioner performance test system has been set up with the aim to evaluate the new products ' consuming energy and also to improve testing way .

  23. 近几年节能建筑纷纷拔地而起,对建筑的节能检测工作也迫在眉睫。

    Have energy conservation buildings erected one after another in recent years , testing of building energy-saving work has been around the corner .

  24. 介绍了节能建筑设计的技术措施及节能效果的检测方法。

    The technology measures of saving energy construction design and checking method of saving energy are introduced .