
  • 网络Launch Window
  1. 本文提出了结合图形分析方法与发射窗口搜索的借力飞行轨道设计策略。

    In this dissertation , a design strategy is presented of graphical analyze and optimal launch window search .

  2. 从发射窗口的基本特性出发,推导了空间救援任务发射窗口的解析求解方法。

    Based on the characteristics of launch window , an algorithm to calculate the launch window for space rescue mission was deduced .

  3. 根据卫星发射窗口的一般性和风云二号(FY-2)C气象卫星特定限制条件,计算了2004年10月19日符合要求的发射窗口。

    The launch window on Oct.19,2004 was calculated under the general limited conditions and specific limited conditions of FY-2C meteorology satellite in this paper .

  4. 方法:动物皮肤局部照射(毫米波发射窗口距离皮肤8~10mm),之后取动物组织或脏器进行检测。

    Methods : The organs or tissues are taking from animal , which were irradiated on skin , the distance from the apertura of mm-microwave generator to skin was 8 ~ 10mm .

  5. 载人航天器的发射窗口及太阳能帆板的最佳受晒

    Manned spacecraft launching window and solar array optimum sunshine

  6. 摄影测量卫星发射窗口的确定

    Determination of the Launching Window of the Photogrammetric Satellite

  7. 风云一号极地轨道气象卫星发射窗口的计算与分析

    The Calculation and Analysis of the Launching Window of the FY & 1B Weather Satellite on the Polar Orbit

  8. 朝鲜表示,将卫星发射窗口期延长一周至12月29日。

    North Korea says it has extended it 's satellite launch to December the 29th , one week behind the original window .

  9. 采用精确轨道动力学模型,得到了满足共面交会约束的发射窗口,以及地月转移轨道特性。

    The launch window meeting the restriction of coplanar rendezvous and the characteristics of trans-lunar trajectory is obtained by precise dynamics model .

  10. 今年的发射窗口截止8月中旬,超过这一时限没有发射的航天器就要再等上两年,而且保存费用昂贵。

    This year 's launch window closes in mid August , and any spacecraft delayed past then will face two years of expensive storage .

  11. 详细介绍了用于轨道设计的坐标系统和时间系统,分析了二体轨道特性和发射窗口的基本特性。

    Introduce the reference frame and time system used in orbit design particularly . Analyzed the orbit characteristic of two-body problem and launch window .

  12. 分析结果表明,卫星发射窗口的确定与星、地、日间的位置密切相关。

    The analysis result showed that determination of launch window was related to the position of the satellite , the earth and the sun closely .

  13. 利用该算法进一步考虑初始时刻反卫星武器与目标卫星的位置关系和变轨消耗能量之间的关系,同时给出了发射窗口的求解算法。

    Moreover , the relation of initial launch condition and energy consumption is discussed in this paper , and the determination of launch window is given .

  14. 该方法具有扩大发射窗口,且比基于脉冲主动调相法节省燃料等优点。

    The conclusions indicate that this method has the advantages of broadening launch window and saving fuels comparing with the active phasing method based on impulse .

  15. 欧洲航天局计划加入进来,和阿联酋航空公司、美国以及中国一起,在目前这一发射窗口内向火星发射一个强大的探测器。

    The European Space Agency had planned to join Emirates , the United States and China , sending a powerful rover to Mars during the current window .

  16. 本文根据摄影测量卫星的特点介绍了卫星发射窗口的概念,导出一组确定卫星发射窗口的公式。

    In this paper , according to the feature of photogrammetric satellite s , the concept of the satellite launching window is introduced , and the formulae of its determination deduced .

  17. 分析了近地交会对接发射窗口的约束条件,并给出了发射窗口的求解方法,对飞行器与近地空间站交会的发射窗口做出了研究。

    By analyzing the constraint conditions , the calculating method for launch window is brought out . Then the launch window in rendezvous between aerocraft and space station is researched . 4 .

  18. 同时对发射窗口的辐射特性进行分析,结果表明该结构在中红外波段有良号的吸收性,表现出一定的类黑体特性。

    The radiation characteristic of IR window is analyzed , and the results show that in the infrared wave band the structure has good absorbency , and shows a black-body-like emission profile .

  19. 两天前,平壤方面刚刚宣布将发射窗口期由13天延长一周至12月29日,以解决火箭存在的“技术缺陷”。

    The launch comes just two days after Pyongyang announced that it was extending the 13-day launch window by one week until Dec. 29 to fix a " technical deficiency " in the rocket .

  20. 这三个任务利用了行星发射窗口,26个月才会出现一次,此时地球和火星在围绕太阳的轨道上处于发射有利位置。

    The three missions are taking advantage of a planetary launch window that only comes around once every 26 months when Earth and Mars are in favorable positions in their orbits around the sun .

  21. 文中以此为背景,对地火转移轨道的轨道设计、轨道计算、发射窗口选择和中途轨道修正等进行了全方面的研究。

    In this context , this paper also carries out comprehensive related researches , such as the orbit design and computation of the Earth-Mars transfer orbit , the selection of its launch window , and mid-course trajectory correction maneuver , etc. .

  22. 软着陆月球探测的实现将为我国月球探测迈出坚实的一步,其轨道设计问题具有重要的工程意义,本文主要针对软着陆月球探测器的发射窗口与轨道设计问题展开工作。

    It is a key step to land on lunar surface safely with the lander for our lunar exploration . The orbit design of the lunar lander is very important . In this thesis , the problems of orbit design and launch windows were studied .

  23. 介绍了一种新的亚微米发射极窗口刻蚀工艺。

    This paper introduces a novel submicron etching technology for emitter window .

  24. 研究火星的下一代探测器不久将开始其太空之行,可能的发射时间窗口是11月下旬,可持续大约3星期。

    A next-generation Mars rover is soon to begin its voyage , with a launch window starting in late November and lasting about three weeks .

  25. 分析了发射系统输出窗口平整度和拼装方法对光束波前的影响。

    The affection on wavefront is analyzed with different level degree and patch-up method of output window in launching system .

  26. 然而,朝鲜官方媒体在昨日报道中援引一位官方发言人的话表示,卫星发射的时间窗口最晚已经推迟至12月29日。

    However , North Korean state media yesterday reported an official spokesman as saying the window for launching the satellite had been extended to December 29 .

  27. 将紧急发射任务发射窗口问题分解为平面窗口问题和相位窗口问题,分别建立了平面窗口和相位窗口的解析求解模型,导出了发射窗口的解析解。

    The problem on the launch window is divided into two parts , the plane window problem and the phase window problem . Analytical models of the two problems are established , and the results are deduced in explicit form .

  28. 大功率底发射VCSEL出光窗口增透膜的研究

    Antireflection Coatings of High Power Bottom Emitting VCSEL

  29. 从地面发射月球探测器的窗口选择

    Window selection for the lunar probe launched from the earth

  30. 文章分析了月球在一个恒星月内位置变化与相应的地月转移轨道升交点赤经和近地点幅角变化的关系,在这个基础上讨论了发射机会和发射窗口问题。

    The relation of the right ascension and argument of perigee of the required orbit with the lunar position is derived within one lunar month . Based on this relationship the launch opportunity and launch window are discussed .