
  • 网络safety switch;security switch;SCHMERSAL
  1. 安全开关用于在脱水时,判断洗衣机的桶盖是否打开。

    Safety switch for dehydration , to determine whether the washing machine lid open .

  2. 安全开关可以是一种电子开关,当汽车挂挡后,它断开控制电路。

    The safety switch can be an electrical switch that opens the control circuit if the car is in gear .

  3. 为了指导本质安全开关电源的设计,对两类最基本变换器,即buckDC-DC开关变换器和boostDC-DC开关变换器的本质安全特性进行了研究。

    Intrinsic safe behavior of two basic switching converters , i.e. , buck DC-DC converter and boost DC-DC converter are investigated to guild the design of Intrinsic safe switching power supplies .

  4. 机旁安全开关及紧急停止开关的应用

    Application of Safety Switches and Emergency Acting Switches PN Machine

  5. 为井坑提供可从井坑入口接入安全开关。

    Provide pits with safety switches accessible from the entrances to the pits .

  6. 光电感应安全开关是门柱下方一套对射的红外线装置。

    The photocell safety witch is a set of correlation infrared device installed under the door track .

  7. 如果灯泡烧毁,大多数设计人员都习惯于用保险丝或安全开关关闭照明器具。

    Most have been used to the principle of having a fuse or safety switch that turns the fixture off if the bulb burns out .

  8. 同样,安全开关也可以是机械互锁装置,当汽车挂挡后不允许点火开关转到启动位置。

    It can also be a mechanical interlock device that will not let the ignition switch turn to start if the car is in the gear .

  9. 我们将基因导入用于加强单倍同一性干细胞移植受者免疫重建的供体T细胞,以此对该安全开关的活性进行了检验。

    We tested the activity of our safety switch by introducing the gene into donor T cells given to enhance immune reconstitution in recipients of haploidentical stem-cell transplants .

  10. 如果必须使用汽缸,使用一个移接近的安全开关,并在其进入模具的部分使用不含铁的材料,或者在设计上它能合理的返回。

    If a cylinder ejector must be used , incorporate a proximity safety switch and use non-ferrous materials where it enters the die , or it must be of positive return design .

  11. 使用DRB读取安全带开关状态。

    With the DRB read the seat belt switch status .

  12. 显示器包括一个数学字母显示器和一个蜂鸣器,它向驾驶员报告识别结果和发音定时。关于驾驶员安全带开关,详见单元8U-警鸣/蜂鸣警示系统。

    The display unit which consists of an alphanumeric display and a buzzer , informs the driver of recognition result , timing of utterance . Refer to Group 8U Chime / Buzzer Warning Systems for more information on the driver seat belt switch .

  13. 论低压系统检修安全四极开关的设置

    About the Setting of Safety 4-pole Switch for Low-voltage System Overhaul

  14. 本质安全型开关直流稳压电源

    DC Stabilized - voltage supply of intrinsically safe switcher

  15. 修理安全带开关感知电路断路。*

    Repair open seat belt switch sense circuit .

  16. 数字输入可以和外部安全联锁开关联结在一起。

    The digital input can be used in conjunction with an external safety interlock switch .

  17. 如果没有安全启动开关,启动系统很可能在挂挡后工作。

    If the car has no starting safety switch , it is possible to spin the engine with the transmission in gear .

  18. 实验结果表明:此本质安全型开关电源输出比较稳定,纹波电压小,能够基本达到设计的要求。

    The results show that the intrinsically safe switching power supply output is relatively stable , ripple voltage is small , it can basically meet the design requirements .

  19. 安装煤气自动分析仪和三通阀安全控制开关,变被动为主动回收,使转炉煤气回收时间提高到平均10~13min/炉,并且安全可靠;

    Installation of automatic analyser and safety control switch of three way valve , for active recovery and increasing average time of recovery to 10 - 13 minutes ;

  20. 安全触点开关是电梯控制系统的关键安全部件。安全触点开关的性能和可靠性对电梯的安全运行起到了十分重要的作用。

    Safety contact switch is the key safety component of the elevator control system and the performance and reliability of safety contact switch play a very important role in the operation of the elevator .

  21. 总之,能够安全地驱动开关、变频器中的大功率IGBT。

    In short , this applied circuit can safely drive the high power IGBT which is used in the occasion .

  22. 核安全级低压开关柜设计心得

    Something Learned from Design of Nuclear Safety Grade Low-voltage Switchgear

  23. 安全门应急开关高度

    Emergency switch height of emergency door

  24. 第二控制回路由互相串联的限重开关、安全门旁行程开关和中间继电器组成。

    The second control return circuit is composed with a mutually connected weight limit switch , security door by-pass switch and a middle relay .

  25. 气瓶装入互锁安全装置;开关未关旋钮处于开的位置气瓶将无法安装。

    The cylinder loads mutual lock safety device ; the cylinder unable to install , if the switch has not turned off , and on the " on " position .

  26. 这一点的安保是由安全门和安全开关触头来实现的。

    This is safeguarded by a safety door and a safety switching contact .

  27. 在工厂里,你得佩带安全卡,自己开关所有的门。

    At work you carry around a security card and unlock and open all doors yourself .

  28. 自动显示故障报警,安全防护门,安全开关。

    Automatic shows error , safety shield ; safety switch .

  29. 介绍了安全火花电路的基本概念及开关电源拓扑结构,阐述了开关电源能够有效提高本质安全电源容量和本质安全开关电源与线性电源的区别。

    This paper introduces the essential concepts and topological structures of switching power supply , states that the switching power supply can increase the capability of intrinsic safe power supply , and fully discusses the difference between intrinsic safe switching power supply and intrinsic safe linear power supply .

  30. 应用于易燃易爆环境的直流电源必须满足防爆要求,本质安全是最佳的防爆形式,本质安全开关电源必将获得广泛应用。

    Direct current power supplies applied in the flammable and explosive conditions must meet the requirements of anti-explosive . As the optimal means , intrinsically safe switching power supplies will be of promise in the future .