
  • 网络Safety;pse
  1. 向量测量技术在安规测量中的应用将其克隆到E.coli质粒上进行序列分析。

    Application of Vector Measurement Technology in Electrical Safety Test coli vector .

  2. 微波炉电容器安规测试中的若干问题

    Some Questions about the Safety Test of the Capacitor for Microwave Ovens

  3. 重点论述PDP控制电源的技术特点,详细介绍待机电源、PFC电路、寻址电源、逻辑电源之间的逻辑关系以及设计,同时对EMI、安规等进行设计。

    This article emphasizes the technologic characters of the Plasma Display Panel ( PDP ) control power supply , and particularizes the design and logic for stand-by power , PFC circuit , address power , logic power . Also EMI and safety criterion are designed .

  4. 安规测试仪中绝缘电阻、泄漏电流测试系统设计

    Design of Isolation-Resistance and Leaking-Current Test System in Electric Security Tester

  5. 安规类仪器的原理及应用

    The Principle And Application Of Safety Measuring Instrument

  6. 根据医疗器械相关安规标准制定测试计划并评估测试数据;

    Make test plan based on medical device related safety standards and review test data ;

  7. 三年以上相关工作经验,有安规测试经验优先;

    Three years or more related working experience , safety testing experience is a priority ;

  8. 该工作可以更方便非安规研究人员的使用和查阅。

    The research results can be more convenient to use and access of non-safety researchers .

  9. 湍流标度律的实验测量(英文)向量测量技术在安规测量中的应用

    An experimental study on turbulent scaling law Application of Vector Measurement Technology in Electrical Safety Test

  10. 继电器、连接端子、绝缘材料等数十种安规器件。

    Include X / Y cap , Inductor and Transformer , Fuse , Relay , Connector , Insulation .

  11. 采用7400系列安规介电分析仪,实现绝缘电阻和耐压试验。采用调速电机和电流传感器,实现机械和电气的可靠性试验。

    7400-Dielectric Analyzer achieve insulation resistance and voltage test . Using adjustable speed motors and current sensors to achieve mechanical and electrical reliability test .

  12. 经续提供极为广泛的服务。有安规认证前的服务包括针对对品的特性及客户的需要选择具有公信力的认证机构并与之联络合作;

    CPC offers extremely varied services , ranging from pre-certification including choice and contact the authority notified bodies according to character of the products and requires of the clients ;

  13. 在概念的阶段提供概念小组必须的安规要求,以便在产品最后的生产及出货配置适当的资源。

    To provide the conceptional team with the necessary safety and regulatory requirement at the conceptual stage so that appropriate resources are in-placed for eventual production and shipment of the products .

  14. 从结构设计和元器件选用两方面分析了上加热式家用全自动豆浆机在抗电强度试验时遇到的问题,并就安规测试中需要注意的问题进行了论述。

    By analyzing the case of the dielectric strength test on household top-heating automatic soymilk machine , this paper briefly discuss two questions which should be pay attention to during safety test .