
  1. 同时,肯德基炸鸡连锁餐馆已经开始制作一系列的新的商业广告,以促销它的新产品&蜜汁无骨烤鸡翅。

    In the meantime , the restaurant chain has begun work on a series of commercials for its new Honey BBQ Boneless Wings .

  2. 人们在校园内可以品尝到各式各样的清真菜肴,如羊排,烤鸡翅,沙拉三明治等等。

    Not only halal , Baqir says that one can find almost every type of eastern dishes like lamb kabab , chicken baryani and falafel sandwiches in the campus stalls .

  3. 他照着我的做,果然他是我们组第二个烤熟鸡翅的人。

    He Do as I do , indeed he is the grilled chicken wings , the second group of people .

  4. 派对期间,使我最开心的事情就是我吃了很多很多的烤牛肉!还有令我为之疯狂的是烤鸡翅和烤茄子。

    During the party , what was pleased me most was that I ate much , much toast beef ! What 's more , I was crazy about grilled chicken wings and egg plants .