
kǎo miàn bāo jī
  • toaster;bread-baling oven
  1. 烤面包机持续开了一个多小时。

    The toaster remained on for more than an hour

  2. 自第一次修理工作以来,他还修好了坏掉的空调、洗衣机和烤面包机。

    Since that first repair job , a broken air-conditioner , a non-functioning washer and a non-toasting toaster have been fixed .

  3. Oak将继续沿着“智能烤面包机”的道路进化,而不会成为Java的基础。

    Oak would have continued along the evolutionary path leading to " smart toasters " instead of becoming the foundation for Java .

  4. 厨具包括一套盘子,一组叉子,德力牌烤面包机,价值2700英镑来自FracinoContempoCoffeeMachine的咖啡机,可制作咖啡吧水准的饮品。

    Copper accents include a set of pans , the knife block and Dualit toaster , while a £ 2700 Fracino Contempo Coffee Machine provides barista standard drinks .

  5. VermontNovelty烤面包机公司靠着能烤出带有耶稣和和平符号面包的面包机起家,并于去年五月推出自拍烤面包机。此后,他们产品的销量就疯涨了10倍,公司持有者及首席执行官伽林·戴夫利(GalenDively)说。

    The Vermont Novelty Toaster Corporation , which started out offering toasters that transferred images of Jesus and a peace sign onto browned bread , saw its sales shoot up 1000 percent since it began offering the Selfie Toaster last May , said Galen Dively , owner and chief executive .

  6. 我可以用你的烤面包机吗

    Do you mind if I use your toaster , too ?

  7. 台面应是干净的家电,甚至烤面包机,这些电器不使用时。

    Counter tops should be clear of appliances , even the toaster .

  8. 你跟我说的就是这个烤面包机吗?

    Is this the toaster you were telling me about ?

  9. 他将两片面包放在烤面包机上。

    He put two slices of bread in the toaster .

  10. 达瑞奥:我可以买毛巾或者烤面包机!

    Dario : I could buy towels or a toaster !

  11. 烤面包机公司也接受了我的观点。

    The toaster company was open to my argument .

  12. 我们应从这个烤面包机项目得到什么启示?

    What should we make of the Toaster Project ?

  13. 我不要烤面包机或吸尘器有情绪。

    I don ` t want my toaster or vacuum cleaner appearing emotional .

  14. 热土司砰的一声从烤面包机中跳起。

    The hot toast popped up in the toaster .

  15. 我在拿出旧的烤面包机。

    I 'm breaking out our old toaster .

  16. 当我们看到是一个烤面包机时。

    When we saw it was a toaster .

  17. 我们要生产烤面包机

    We 're going to make a toaster .

  18. 烤面包机把保险丝烧断了。

    The toaster will blow the fuse out .

  19. 而我这只是在这里数烤面包机而已。

    And I 'm just counting toasters here .

  20. 吉姆用烤面包机烤土司。

    Jim made toast in the toaster .

  21. 我们需要一个新的烤面包机。

    We need a new toaster .

  22. 虽然我还没有找到完美的联网烤面包机,但我感觉自己已经有点像华力士那样了。

    While I 'm still looking for the perfect Internet-connected toaster , I feel a little like Wallace .

  23. 请把烤面包机插上电源;把电视插上电源,我们今晚看足球赛。

    Please plug in the toaster !; Connect the TV so we can watch the football game tonight .

  24. 烤面包机里有一个面包我不吃,你知道为什么?

    And there 's a loaf in the new bread maker I won 't eat . Know why ?

  25. 但直到最近,机器人看上去更像烤面包机而非魔鬼终结者。

    But until very recently ▼ robots in the real world ▼ looked more like toasters than the terminator .

  26. 我把我拥有的每一件东西都搬到了客厅,我的烤面包机、我的时钟、我的搅拌机。

    I got everything I owned into the living room . My toaster , my clock , my blender .

  27. 最后他只得从当地一处垃圾场捡来塑料,熔化后做成烤面包机的外壳。

    He settled for scavenging plastic from a local dump , melting it and moulding it into a toaster casing .

  28. 你就等着三维立体全息电视机不增加电力耗,或自动报话烤面包机开始张口说话吧。

    Just wait until your 3 D holographic TV won 't power up or your talking toaster starts mouthing off .

  29. 如果我们能让人类登上月球,我想一定会有人发明在月球上还能正常运行的烤面包机。

    If we land a man on the moon , I think someone could surely invent a toaster that works ProPerly .

  30. 布赖恩:也许有烤面包机了,而且你不知道哪种颜色的毛巾和家浴室相配。

    Brian : They might already have a toaster and you don 't know what color towels will match their bathroom .