
kāi guàn qì
  • can opener
开罐器[kāi guàn qì]
  1. 这个说法的来源自然就是,很多人都认为电动开罐器根本没有廉价的手动开罐器好用。

    The model for this phrase is , of course , the electric can opener , which most people consider to be markedly inferior to the cheaper and easier-to-use manual can opener .

  2. 不过开罐器用得还不错。

    I am pretty good with a can opener , though .

  3. (我用开罐器打开了一罐猫粮。)

    I opened a can of cat food with a can opener .

  4. “电动开罐器问题”指一些老式的、技术含量低的产品反而优于那些意欲取代它们的新生代高科技产品的状况。

    Electric-can-opener question refers to the recognition that some older , low-tech products are superior to the newer , high-tech1 products that are supposed to replace them .

  5. 顾客们还可以买到挑圆片游戏所用的塑料片,“EZ-DUZ-IT”手动开罐器,“Wigwam”袜子,还有写着“恶犬凶猛”的木制标牌。

    Visitors also find tiddlywinks , EZ-DUZ-IT manual can openers , Wigwam socks and wood signs with slogans such as ' Caution : Dog can 't hold its licker . '

  6. 对于卖场的商品采购部主管罗布•惠伦(RobWhalen)来说,能找到一款美国制造的电动开罐器都是一件非常高兴的事。他说:我可以告诉你有多少人想要一款美制开罐器。

    Rob Whalen , the store 's head merchandise buyer , would be delighted even to find a U.S. - made electric can opener . ' I can 't tell you how many people want an American can opener , ' he said .

  7. 拿个开罐器,一个看看。

    Go get the can opener and let 's try one .

  8. 这是一款外型美观的开罐器,螺

    This is a beautiful appearance of the can opener , Lo

  9. 经济学家说,“假如我们有个开罐器…”

    The economist says , " assume a can opener ... "

  10. 需要。你可以帮我把开罐器拿来吗?

    Yes , would you get me the can opener ?

  11. 你可以在长柄勺的旁边找到开罐器。

    A can opener is used to open cans .

  12. “开罐器,刀叉,汤匙。”

    tin opener , knives , forks , spoons .

  13. 这样的开罐器,可是不会用

    This can opener , but will not use

  14. 我回去拿开罐器?

    Cheated me to take the opener ?

  15. 他把罐头开罐器弄弯了。

    He bent the can opener .

  16. 伊凡,如果你想吃桃子罐头的话,你需要一个开罐器。

    Ivan , you need a can opener if you want to eat a can of peaches .

  17. 你可以带任何夫妇能用的东西,像浴巾、开罐器等。

    You may bring anything that the couple can use such as bath towel , can opener , etc.

  18. 他说:我可以告诉你有多少人想要一款美制开罐器。

    I can 't tell you how many people want an American can opener , ' he said .

  19. 在家中就可以利用开罐器和文件打孔器之类的简单工具来制作。

    These cans can be made at home with such simple tools as a box cutter and file .

  20. 我要去后面用开罐器割腕自尽了

    I 'm just going to go in the back and run a can opener across my wrist .

  21. 反而用开罐器开启,一种类似于开瓶器但有锋利的尖端的工具。

    Instead , it was opened by a can piercer , a device resembling a bottle opener , but with a sharp point .

  22. 这个开罐器可以开任何开罐器可以打开的罐头。还有罐牛奶&看哪!

    This can opener can open any can that any can opener can open . And here 's a tin of milk & but look !