
  • 网络Mining plan;mining scheme
  1. 滑坡体下挂帮矿开采方案与分析

    Mining scheme and its analysis of a hanging-wall ore below a landslide

  2. 破碎岩体中铜矿床开采方案

    Copper Deposit Mining Scheme in Cataclastic Rock Mass

  3. 根据梯度系统理论及引入指标权向量W,建立修正的N维弹性网络模型及其递推算法,应用于矿业开采方案的模糊优选。

    Using the gradient system theory and introducing weights vector of multicriteria , a revised N - dimensional elastic neural network ( ENN ) and recurrence algorithm , which are used as the fuzzy priority of mining methods , are proposed .

  4. 推荐采用台阶式开采方案,对于10m左右厚的煤层可以一次采全高,带区采出率可达45%以上。

    Although the bench mining method is recommended , the full-seam mining should be used for the coal thickness not over 10m and the coal recovery rate in the panel may reach 45 % or more .

  5. 用系统模拟的方法得出整体最优的矿床开采方案;

    Usingsystematical simulation method , the optimum mining project is chosen .

  6. 集贤矿2116下山区开采方案选择

    Selection of mining plan at 2116 downhill area of Jixian Coal Mine

  7. 某矿村庄下煤柱开采方案研究

    Study on Mining Scheme of Protecting Pillar of Coal Mine under Village

  8. 衰老矿井边角呆滞煤开采方案设计研究

    Resolution to Corner Coal Exploitation Scheme of Aged Coal Mine

  9. 村庄下煤矿开采方案优化方法研究

    The Study of Optimizing Methods for Mining under the Village

  10. 村庄压煤开采方案的研究

    Study About the Mining Methods of Pressed Coal in Villages

  11. 残采煤柱工作面开采方案设计与应用

    Mining Design and Application of Residual Coal Pillar Mining Face

  12. 长垣西部地区不同开采方案地下水数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of groundwater under different exploitation scenarios in western area of Changyuan

  13. 露天矿深部开采方案的改进

    Improvement of deep mining plan in open pit mine

  14. 开采方案模糊优选的群决策

    Group decision making for fuzzy priority of mining methods

  15. 联合开采方案在技术上是可行的、经济上是合理的。

    The opencast & underground mining is reasonable in economy and feasible in technology .

  16. 大空区下连续开采方案研究

    Continuously exploitation Project Research of Large Empty Area

  17. 研究提出了不使降落漏斗进一步扩展的地下水开采方案。

    The exploitation project was proposed that the drawdown cone would not further expand .

  18. 济南泉域保泉与供水的地下水开采方案研究

    Scheme of Groundwater Exploited to Keep Springs Spurting and Water Supply in Jinan Springs Zone

  19. 海南铁矿开采方案技术经济效果分析

    Technical and economic efficiencies of the mining scheme for Hainan iron mine : its analysis

  20. (一)有煤矿建设项目可行性研究报告或者开采方案;

    Having a feasibility study report on or mining plan for coal mine construction project ;

  21. 会东铅锌矿露天地下联合开采方案的探讨

    An Approach to the Scheme of Surface and Underground Combined Mining in Huidong Lead Zinc Mine

  22. 露天开采方案的动态综合优化

    Dynamic Optimization for Surface Mining Programme

  23. 较强的应力敏感性是裂缝性储层的重要特征之一,并直接关系到裂缝性储层开采方案的制定。

    Strong stress sensitivity is an important character of fractured reservoirs and will affect exploitation project .

  24. 马家沟矿建筑物压煤开采方案比较及采深的确定

    Comparison of Schemes of Coal Mining under Buildings and Determination of Mining Depth in Majiagou Mine

  25. 厚硬顶板硬顶煤压缩性分析与综放开采方案选择

    Analysis of compressibility of hard top coal under Hard-And-Thick strata and choice of its mining method

  26. 应用识别与校正后的模型预测不同开采方案下的地下水动态。

    The identified and revised model is used to forecast the groundwater regime for different exploitation schemes .

  27. 对于一些人而言,蒙特利页岩复杂的地质提供多种可供选择的开采方案。

    For some , the complex geology of the Monterey shale opens up alternative means of extraction .

  28. 方案比选表明垂直矿体倾向开采方案最优。

    The scheme comparison shows that mining along the direction vertical to the orebody dip is the optimum .

  29. 为拟定相应的开拓开采方案,制定有效的防火措施,提供一种切合实际情况的新方法。

    This paper offers a practical technique for making an appropriate mining program and effective fire protection measures .

  30. 设计出一整套操作性很强露天转地下开采方案。

    Design a operative scheme which can carry out transferring from open pit mining into underground mining successfully .