
  1. 急倾斜煤层复采抽冒规律与安全开采高度确定

    Determination of local caving rule in steep coal seam repeated mining and safe mining height

  2. 提出了采空区滞后控水、煤水分流、加大开采高度,物探预测,地质弱面预先加固等一系列确保安全的技术措施。

    For ensuring safety , some key technical measures were put forwards , such as lagged controlling water in exhausted workings , separating water from coal , increasing the height of exploitation , geophysical prediction , reinforcing geological fractures in advance and so on .

  3. 加大露天开发强度,开采规模得高度集中化。

    Surface mining intensity will be enlarged with coal productive centralization to a high degree .

  4. 但锡使用强度却在稳定下降,在下个世纪初的10年里,中国锡资源的保证程度逐渐下降,对锡资源的保护性开采应该予以高度重视。

    In first decade of next century , the insurance degree of tin resource will be reduced , so we must pay great attention to the protective mining of tin resource .

  5. 综放开采合理顶煤高度的确定

    The Definite of Reasonable Roof Coal Height in Top Caving

  6. 条带开采覆岩破坏高度探测与分析

    Detection and analysis of failure height of the overlying strata in strip mining