
  • 网络deep mining
  1. 浅部易采的矿产资源日趋枯竭,地下矿山向深部开采是必然趋势。从20世纪80年代起,煤矿的开采深度已经达到1300m。随着深度的增加,遇到的难题也逐渐出现。

    Easy shallow mining of mineral resources are depleting and underground mining to deep mining is an inevitable trend.80 years from the 20th century , the coal mining depth has reached 1300m . As the depth increases , the problems encountered are also gradually emerged .

  2. 深部开采工程岩石力学现状及其展望

    Present situation and Prospect of rock mechanics in deep mining engineering

  3. 针对矿山向深部开采后矿石性质的变化,提出了优化流程的方案,并分析了采用GD型脉动磁选机和KGS型高频振动细筛对流程进行优化的效果。

    In view of the change in ore properties with the mining towards depth , a program for optimizing the flowsheet was set forward and the results of the optimization by applying GD pulsating magnetic separators and KGS high frequency vibrating fine screens were analysed .

  4. 深部开采综放工作面矿压显现浅析

    Analysis of the rock press appearance in the LTCC working face

  5. 矿井深部开采矿压与支护技术研究

    Research of Rock Pressure and Support Technology of Deep Mine Exploiting

  6. 深部开采地压控制的研究

    Research of controlling roof pressure in the deep extraction of coal

  7. 深部开采条件下地表沉陷预测及控制探讨

    Study on Prediction and Control of Surface Subsidence in Deep Mining

  8. 开滦矿区深部开采中巷道围岩稳定性研究

    Study on surrounding rock stability of deep mining in Kailuan Mining Group

  9. 深部开采高阶段尾砂充填体力学与非线性优化设计

    Mechanics of High Tailings Backfill and Nonlinear Optimal Design in Deep Mining

  10. 深部开采冲击地压与瓦斯的相关性探讨

    Discussion on relativity between rockburst and gas in deep exploitation

  11. 深部开采条件下岩层移动角确定研究

    Study on Determination Displacement Angle of Stratum under Mining in Deep-lying Conditions

  12. 煤矿深部开采煤层气含量计算的解析法

    Analytic Method of Calculating Gas Content in Coal Seams in Deep Mining

  13. 在深部开采工程中,节理岩体普通存在。

    In deep mining engineering , joints is ordinary existence .

  14. 间续开采技术在建筑物下深部开采中的应用

    Application of Stepwise Mining Technique in Exploiting Coal Under Buildings

  15. 深部开采条件下巷道底鼓机理的研究

    Research on the Mechanism of Floor Heave of Roadway in Deep Mining

  16. 巷道维护和冲击矿压问题是矿井进入深部开采后所面临的重要问题。

    Roadway supporting and rock bursting are important problems in deep mining .

  17. 大型露天金属矿山深部开采技术研究

    Study of Deep Mining Technology of Large-scale Opencast Metal Mine

  18. 深部开采尾砂胶结充填体变形的混沌研究

    Research on chaos of deformation of cemented tailings backfill in deep mining

  19. 深部开采上覆岩层移动的现场监测分析

    Analysis of the Field Monitoring of Roof Strata Displacement in Deep Mining

  20. 江西钨矿深部开采通风问题初探

    A Preliminary study of problems of Deep-mining Ventilation in Tungsten Mines in Jiangxi

  21. 深部开采过程中构造型冲击地压的能量级别预测

    Prediction on energy classification of structure type pressure bump during deep mining operation

  22. 矿坑涌水成为制约矿山深部开采的主要因素。

    Mine water gushing becomes the main factor which constraints deep mine mining .

  23. 金属矿床深部开采的几个技术问题

    Several Technical Problems in Deep Mining of Metal Deposits

  24. 煤矿深部开采可能出现的问题及对策

    Problems and solutions of deep mining in coal mine

  25. 深部开采对地层变形及路基沉降影响研究

    Study on the effect of deep mining on ground deformation and subgrade settlement

  26. 深部开采是我国煤炭开采的趋势。

    The great-depth mining is our country mining tendency .

  27. 露天矿深部开采方案的改进

    Improvement of deep mining plan in open pit mine

  28. 矿井深部开采问题探讨

    Question and approach on deep mining in coal mine

  29. 深部开采黑钨矿石的选矿实践

    The Mineral Processing Practice for Wolframite of Deep Mining

  30. 解决矿井深部开采问题的对策

    Countermeasures of solving the problems of deeply mining