
  • 网络deep overbite;Deep Bite
  1. 目的通过对40例牙龈型微笑的深覆牙合患者的治疗,探讨J形钩高位牵引的临床应用。

    Objective To investigated the clinical value of J hook in higher traction by treatment of 40 gummy smile deep overbite patients .

  2. 目的:探讨打开成年深覆牙合的有效方法。

    Objective : To determine an effective method for correction of deep overbite .

  3. 结论:除了下颌前部牙弓宽度变窄外,严重深覆牙合型AngleⅡ2错牙合牙弓形态基本正常。

    Conclusion : The dental arch form in the Angle ⅱ 2 deep-overbite patients might be characterized as normal except in the mandibular intercanine width dimension , which is reduced .

  4. 结论:1.松弛咬合板对深覆牙合伴TMD患者的临床症状有显著缓解作用。

    Anterior bite splint can significantly relieve the clinical symptom in deep overbite patients with TMD . 2 .

  5. 结论方丝弓桥治技术中对支抗牙进行控制,移动牙齿时应用适当的矫治力及深覆牙合患者减小其Spee曲线是矫治成功的关键所在。

    Conclusion Good anchorage control , proper orthodontic force and sufficient reduction of spee curve might lead to an effective application of edgewise appliance .

  6. 错牙合临床症状比较,拥挤和深覆牙合比例较大;

    Crowding and deep overbite were more than other malocclusion .

  7. 成人上前牙缺失伴有前牙深覆牙合是一种难治的口腔疾病。

    Upper teeth loss in combination with severe overbiting is a recurrent disease of stomatology .

  8. 方法:对30例Ⅱ°、Ⅲ°前牙深覆牙合患者使用方丝弓矫正器和小平牙合板联合进行治疗。

    Method : 30 patients with ⅱ~ⅲ deep overbite were treated by technique of Edgewise together with bite plate .

  9. 结果发现:平面导板能迅速(6个月)有效矫治深覆牙合;

    The results showed that bite plane can correct deep overbite rapidly ( within 6 months ) and effectively .

  10. 结论:只要病例合适,方法运用得当,活动斜面导板治疗安氏Ⅱ类下颌后缩深覆牙合的成人患者具有良好的疗效。

    Conclusion Removable inclined bite plate was efficient for treating Class II adult patients with mandibular retrusion and deep overbite .

  11. 结论:压低辅弓可有效实现切牙压低,使高角型Ⅱ类错牙合深覆牙合明显改善。

    Conclusion : It suggest that intrusive arch can effectively improve the deep overbite in class ⅱ patients with high angle .

  12. 结论:直丝弓矫治器结合上颌小平导矫治前牙深覆牙合是一种快速有效解除前牙深覆牙合的方法。

    Conclusion : It is an effective and rapid method to treat deep overbite with straight wire appliance combined with bite plate .

  13. 片段弓治疗深覆牙合前后根尖吸收的临床评价根尖细胞的影响。

    Research of the effection of segmented arch technique in deep overbite correction to Periapical resorption root tip 's interphase cells and division ceils .

  14. 目的:研究应用迷你平面导板在直丝弓矫治技术中打开咬牙合的临床效果,探讨3度深覆牙合的快速治疗方法。

    Objective : To study the effects of bite-opening by use of Mini bite-plate combined The straight-wire appliance and investigate the methods of rapid treaed .

  15. 方法选择12例前牙深覆牙合达Ⅱ~Ⅲ度的患者,分别在矫治前、矫治中及方丝弓矫治器打开咬牙合失败后,用上颌平面导板协助打开咬合。

    Methods Choose 12 patients whose deep bite of anterior teeth reaching ⅱ~ⅲ degree . Open up bite helped by maxilla plane plate before correcting , in correcting and after failing in opening up bite by Edgewise appliance .

  16. 目的探讨前牙内倾型深覆(牙合)矫治的有效方法。

    Objective To investigate the treatment methods for lingual tipping deep overbite .

  17. 目的:总结直丝弓矫治器结合小平导矫治前牙深覆(牙合)的临床效果。

    Objective : To study the mechanism and applicability of treating deep overbite with straight wire appliance combined with bite plate .

  18. 本文对高角型深覆(牙合)形成的机理、切牙压低量的意义、应用多用途弓的注意事项进行了讨论。

    It was also debated in this article that the mechanism of deep overbite of high angle , sence of the amount of intrusion of incisors and notice in using utility arch .

  19. 结论治疗前牙内倾型深覆(牙合)的关键在于升高后牙牙槽高度,降低前牙牙槽高度,改正前牙轴向,促进下颌骨的生长发育。

    Conclusion The key factors of lingual tipping deep overbite treatment include elevating the posterior alveolar height , reducing the anterior alveolar height , correcting the anterior dental axis , and increasing mandibular growth .