
  • 网络Deep grass;Fukakusa
  1. 那条蛇在深草里把身子蜷做一团。

    The snake curled up in the long grass .

  2. 在深草中,这条蛇盘着身子

    The snake was curled up in the long grass .

  3. v.割(草、麦等)我们必须把大田里的深草割掉。

    mow You must mow down the long grass in the big field .

  4. 他落在铁路护堤边的深草里。

    He landed in the long grass of the railway embankment .

  5. 这两个猎人沿着河岸在深草里向前走。

    The two hunters now advanced among the long grass , following the bank .

  6. 我的球落在了深草区。

    My ball landed in the rough .

  7. 辛姆斯从深草区击球。

    Simms , from the rough .

  8. 深草中秋虫的唧唧声,犹如最美妙的音乐。

    The chirping of the insects down in the long grass had been like the sweetest music .

  9. 她想到了那个树林,于是就偷偷向那儿溜去,不管有多少深草和荆棘。

    She thought of the wood , and stole toward it , heedless of long grass and briers .

  10. 半小时之后,他俩就穿行在坟地里的深草丛中。

    At the end of half an hour they were wading through the tall grass of the graveyard .

  11. 毛色和斑纹有助于老虎隐藏在深草丛中或树荫之下。

    The colour and the stripes help a tiger hide well in long gra or in the shade of trees .

  12. 深草丛中的某个地方有一台正在生锈的割草机,那就是我曾答应某日要修理的割草机。

    Buried somewhere in deep grass there is a rusting lawn mower which I have promised to repair one day .

  13. 我独立在深草中看着她的灯的微弱的火光,无用地在潮水上飘流。

    I stood alone among tall grasses and watched the timid flame of her lamp uselessly drifting in the tide .

  14. 在旷野深草地区作战,配备方胸鋋矛,共一千二百把。

    For fighting in wild expanses and in the middle of tall grass , there is the square-shank , arrow-shaped spear , twelve hundred of them .

  15. 在荒凉的河岸上,深草丛中,我问她:“姑娘,你用披纱遮着灯,要到哪里去呢?

    On the slope of the desolate river among tall grasses I asked her , ' Maiden , where do you go shading your lamp with your mantle ?