
  • 网络Dagang Mountain;dagangshan mountains
  1. 大岗山杉木人工林主伐年龄的研究

    A Study on Felling Age of Chinese Fir Plantation

  2. 江西大岗山植被中的层外植物研究

    Study on extra-layer plants of the forest formations of Dagang Mt. in Jiangxi

  3. 江西大岗山连栽杉木人工林土壤性质的变化

    The changes of soil properties of the successive Chinese Fir Plantation in Dagang mountain of Jiangxi Province

  4. 采用样地法和点四分法在江西大岗山年珠、上村林场进行植被调查。

    The vegetation in Dagang Mountain , Jiangxi Province was investigated using the method of quadrate and plotless sampling .

  5. 利用江西大岗山17~25年生杉木人工林的临时样地(44块)和固定样地(52块)材料,研究了立地、年龄和保留密度对杉木成材的影响。

    The data from 44 temporary plots and 52 fixed plots of 17 ~ 25 years old Cunninghamia lanceolata plantations in Jiangxi Province were used to study the influence of site , age and reserved density on the wood property of C. lanceolata .

  6. 大渡河大岗山电站库区土质岸坡稳定性评价

    Evaluation on Stability of Soil Slope in Reservoir of Da Gang Muntain