
  • 网络fraternity;fraternities and sororities
  1. 在俄克拉荷马大学,一位19岁学生参加大学生联谊会聚会时因过量饮酒于2004年过世之后。新(饮酒)政策生效。

    At the University of oklahoma , new policies went into effect after a19-year-old student died in2004.he had been drinking heavily at a fraternity party .

  2. 泛希腊字母大学生联谊会,或与其有关的吉林大学中日联谊医院内部控制制度研究

    Of or relating to all Greek-letter fraternities and sororities . On the Internal Control System of China-Japan Union Hospital

  3. 这学期你想加入大学生联谊会吗?

    Do you think you 'll pledge this semester ?

  4. 周六我们去匹兹堡大学找我姐参加女大学生联谊会

    Saturday we 're staying at my sister 's sorority at the University of Pittsburgh .

  5. 加入俱乐部,校园广播站,年鉴编撰,大学生联谊会或是大学女生联谊会。

    Join a club , campus radio station , yearbook staff , frat , or sorority .

  6. 卡莉滔滔不绝地说着有关她不相信我会和一名大学生联谊会的男孩约会,我要比那更好等等。

    Carrie went on and on about how she couldn 't believe I would date a frat boy , that I was better than that , etc.

  7. 读大学时,我不去大学生联谊会在地下室里举办的啤酒狂欢派对,而是每天一早就在图书馆的阶梯上徘徊,等着图书馆开门。

    In college , I wasnt going to keg parties in a frat basement ; I was the girl who lingered on the library steps each morning , waiting for the doors to open .