
lí chuán
  • disembark
离船[lí chuán]
  1. 离船时请将交回登轮证并做离船登记。

    Please return the Boarding Pass and off-register when disembark .

  2. 拒不交付的,船长有权在适当地点令离船,承运人有权向其追偿。

    Should any passenger refuse to pay , the Master is entitled to order him to disembark at a suitable place and the carrier has the right of recourse against him .

  3. 船长离船上岸已两个小时了。

    The captain has been ashore for two hours .

  4. 管理级船员同时离船问题分析

    Analysis on the ship officers of management level go shore together

  5. 获准离船上岸的水手往往花钱如流水。

    Sailors in shore leave often spend money like water .

  6. 船开上海滩,人们开始离船上岸。

    The boats beached and men began to walk ashore .

  7. 那海豚的头在离船很近的地方冒出来。

    The head of the dolphin popped up quite near the boat .

  8. 服从命令,贺廉。离船!

    Obey orders , Hallam ! Leave the ship !

  9. 船员非经许可,不得擅自离船。

    No seafarer shall leave the ship without permission .

  10. 海员帮助乘客离船上岸。

    The sailors disembarked the passengers from the ship .

  11. 船长用小划艇离船靠岸。

    The captain used the dinghy to go from the ship to the shore .

  12. 旅客有两三个小时的个人支配时间,可以离船游览这个城镇。

    Passengers can go ashore for a couple of hours to visit the town .

  13. 几个水手在纽约擅自离船。

    Several sailors jumped ship in new york .

  14. 两个男人晚上弃职离船了。

    Two men jumped ship in the night .

  15. 一水手在直布罗陀弃职离船。

    One sailor jumped ship at Gibraltar .

  16. 你们不是那望见港湾渐渐消失的人们,也不是行将离船上岸的人们。

    You are not those who saw the harbour Receding , or those who will disembark .

  17. 现在海底离船下只有几百英尺了。那条路也不见了。

    It was only a few hundred feet below the ship now . The road had disappeared .

  18. 四位旅客立即离船登陆了。那条船驶离该岛,向大陆开去

    The party went on shore at once . The ship leave the island and head for the mainland

  19. 自带行李,应当在旅客离船前或者离船时提交;

    Notice with respect to cabin luggage shall be made before or at the time of his embarkation ;

  20. 史蒂夫:当时鲸鲨离船大概有30英尺,我就向它游了过去。

    Steve : I swam out to the whale shark about 30 feet off the back of the boat .

  21. 在海事管理中,船长和大副、轮机长和大管轮不得同时离船。

    Master and chief mate , chief engineer and second engineer are not permitted to go shore together during berthing time .

  22. 船的确停靠过厄尔巴岛,他的确曾离船在岛上呆了一整天。

    The vessel did touch at Elba , where he quitted it , and passed a whole day in the island .

  23. 直到他们再也不能忽视自己命运时,才从怀疑否定的态度转变成想要离船的惊慌失措。

    It wasn 't until their fate could not be ignored that denial turned into panic to get off the ship .

  24. 海滨胜地;海味大餐;离船执行任务的水兵。本饭店山珍海味,一应俱全。

    Seashore resorts ; a shore dinner ; a marine on shore duty . Our restaurant serves a feast of delicacies .

  25. 病假、离船上岸假、年假度过的。三年以前我们在海滨度过一个假期。

    Sick , shore , annual leave Yes , we have . We spent a holiday at the seaside three years ago .

  26. 离船上岸后,我们在岛上茶科滨(地名音译)旅游,这是很多玛雅历史遗迹之一,它已成为旅游大热门的景点。

    After disembarking , we traveled inland to Chacchoben , one of the many Mayan ruins that have made the region famous .

  27. 当约翰逊服役期满最后离船时,汽笛长鸣欢送他上岸。

    When Johnson left his ship for the last time at the end of his period of service , he was piped ashore .

  28. 我不敢走得离船太远,唯恐野人的独木舟从河的上游顺流而下。

    I did not care to go out of sight of the boat , fearing the coming of canoes with savages down the river ;

  29. 从此以后,我们就给笼罩在一片漆黑中,离船二十步路的东西就看不见。

    Thenceforward we were enshrouded in pitchy darkness , so that we could not have seen an object at twenty paces from the ship .

  30. 《泰皮》是一篇用第一人称自述的记载,写的是一个美国青年的冒险。他与同伴托比私自离船出走。

    " Typee " is an account , told in the first person , of the adventures of a young American who with a companion Toby jumps ships .