
  • 网络frost;Robert Frost;David Frost;The Road Not Taken
  1. 《弗罗斯特:一位与众人争吵的情人》<;

    Robert frost : a lover 's quarrel with the world >

  2. 诗既是散文,又是韵文。&弗罗斯特

    Poetry is both prose and verse . & Robert Frost

  3. 弗罗斯特在50英尺外的沙坑中击球入穴,以一杆的优势获得冠军。

    Frost holed a bunker shot from 50 feet to snatch the title by one stroke .

  4. 两个人在国家电视台节目上小口喝着橙汁的时候,弗罗斯特施展了他一贯的亲和魅力。

    Frost had displayed his usual matey charm as the pair sipped orange juice on national TV .

  5. 弗罗斯特的蝴蝶(Papillon)和拉芳特的NecPlusUltra都采用造型奇特的蝴蝶型轮廓。

    Products by Frost ( Papillon ) and Lafont ( Nec Plus Ultra ) feature whimsical butterfly-shaped silhouettes .

  6. 佳士得纺织品主管帕特•弗罗斯特(PatFrost)表示:狩猎装是衣服保持了自身的价值,并且实际上超过了原有成本的一个很好的例子。

    The safari suit is a good example of clothes holding their value and indeed exceeding the original cost , says Christie 's head of textiles Pat Frost .

  7. XOXO的“渴望”(Aspire)、弗罗斯特(Frost)的“泡沫”(Fizzy)和罗伯特?卡沃利(RobertoCavalli)的RC797S都使用数学主题的框架来表达设计思想。

    XOXO ( Aspire ) , Frost ( Fizzy ) and Roberto Cavalli ( RC797S ) use arithmetical frame prints to make statements .

  8. 新编辑手记论人类因素在弗罗斯特诗歌中的重要体现

    On embodiment of human factor in Frost 's new poems

  9. 首先,弗罗斯特眼里的大自然是具有双重性的。

    First , nature is dual-charactered in Frost 's eyes .

  10. 他们看了弗罗斯特先生会见他人的录像带。

    They saw the videotapes of Mr frost 's interviews .

  11. 格拉夫:所以,弗罗斯特小姐不像外表那么简单。

    Graves : So * Ms. Frost is not all she seems .

  12. 宗教伦理思想对弗罗斯特诗歌的影响

    The Influence of the Theological Ethnic on Frost 's Poetry

  13. 隐喻和象征:弗罗斯特诗歌的两大特色(英文)

    Metaphor and Symbolism : Two Typical Features of Frost s Poetry ;

  14. 弗罗斯特一生创作了许多自然诗篇。

    Frost has produced many nature poems in his life .

  15. 1912年,罗伯特.弗罗斯特举家迁至英国。

    In 1912 , he took his family to Britain .

  16. 弗罗斯特诗歌所展现的人类关系及生存状况

    Human relationship and state in Robert Frost 's poems

  17. 自然的箫声&自然诗人陶渊明、华兹华斯及弗罗斯特比较谈

    A comparative study on three naturalistic poets & Tao Yuanming , Wordsworth and Frost

  18. 在朴素语言的后面&析弗罗斯特诗中的人生

    Plain Language Profound Meaning & On the View of Life in R.Frost 's Poetry

  19. 英国商会会长大卫.弗罗斯特说,调查结果比预想的还要严重。

    BCC director , David Frost says the findings were even worse than expected .

  20. 是以弗罗斯特名义订的吗?

    Is the reservation made under Mr Frost ?

  21. 在英国,弗罗斯特找到了一家出版商来出版他的第一本诗集。

    In Britain , Frost found a publisher for his first book of poems .

  22. 当它在1913年面世时,弗罗斯特受到了英国读者的高度称赞。

    When it appeared in 1913 , Frost received high praise from British readers .

  23. 摘苹果之后罗伯特•弗罗斯特(1874-1963)王道余译

    After Apple-Picking Robert Frost ( 1874-1963 )

  24. 朗费罗与弗罗斯特的比较研究

    On the Comparison of Longfellow and Frost

  25. 徘徊在矛盾的四重奏中&浅析弗罗斯特《停马在雪夜林边》

    Lingering in the Quartet of Conflicts-An Analysis of Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening ;

  26. 我怀疑罗伯特。弗罗斯特对这首诗的格律、暗喻和音韵作何评价!

    I wonder what Robert Frost would say about its meter , metaphor , and rhyme !

  27. 理想与现实:弗罗斯特求索自我的两个世界

    Ideal and reality : two worlds of Robert Frost 's pursuit to life and his self

  28. 美国著名诗人弗罗斯特被称作是工业时代的田园诗人。

    Robert Frost , an American poet was considered the pastoral poet of the industrial age .

  29. 而弗罗斯特表示,根据来自雇主的报告判断,真实数字要高出很多。

    Mr frost however says the numbers are much higher , judging by reports from employers .

  30. 佳士得的帕特•弗罗斯特同意上述看法。

    Christie 's Pat Frost agrees .