
  • 网络freudian
  1. 这样,结果造成了弗洛伊德学派通常说的那种性心理的创伤。

    This had eventually resulted in what the Freudians are accustomed to describe as a psychic sex scar .

  2. 因此,注目“潜意识”问题研究且成果颇丰的弗洛伊德精神分析学派的相关方法,在中国地域文化研究中便大有用武之地。

    Therefore , the relative methods in Sigmund Feud 's Psychoanalysis , which had paid attention to " unconscious " and has gained a great success , would be valuable in Chinese geographical culture research .

  3. 从理论建构、嫉妒成因、嫉妒分类、研究方法、治疗策略等方面对弗洛伊德精神分析学派嫉妒理论进行研究,评价其理论价值和现实应用意义。

    The jealousy theory of psychoanalysis school is analyzed in theoretical construct , cause of jealousy formation , classification , research method and treatment tactics . The value and the application of the theory are also evaluated .

  4. 弗洛伊德是精神分析学派的创始人,他的人格理论是精神分析理论的核心。

    Floyd is the founder of the psychoanalysis school , his personality theory is a core of the psychoanalysis theory .