
jìnɡ xiànɡ jiē duàn
  • mirror stage;mirror phase;image phase
  1. 镜像阶段的想像性认同与人类知识同构,具有相似性。

    The imaginative identification in the Mirror Stage has similar features with knowledge and its structure .

  2. 他的镜像阶段理论生动地描述了婴儿获得自我身份的过程。

    His famous " mirror stage " dramatizes the actual process of acquiring identity of children .

  3. 缺乏语言能力也是她处于前镜像阶段的标志。

    Her frustration in speech is also a sign of the pre-mirror stage .

  4. 在前镜像阶段婴儿无法区分自我和他人,没有自我意识。

    During the first stage , the infant cannot distinguish between self and the other .

  5. 在想象界的镜像阶段,婴儿形成了第一个完整的自我形象。

    In the Mirror Stage of the Imaginary , the baby forms its first complete self-image .

  6. 镜像阶段

    Solid Phase Extraction Mirror Stage

  7. 第二部分和第三部分则主要对拉康三界论和镜像阶段理论进行深入分析。

    The second and the third part make a deeper analysis on the mirror stage and three orders .

  8. 根据镜像阶段理论,对身份的追寻需要获得他人,尤其是母亲的认可。

    According to the mirror stage , the identity pursuit needs to be recognized by others , especially the mother .

  9. 论文首先介绍了与这四个主要人物相关的六个拉康的理论概念:第一,镜像阶段;

    There are six Lacanian concepts important to the analysis of the four main characters : first , the mirror stage ;

  10. 镜像阶段是一个自欺的瞬间,是一个由虚幻影像引起的迷恋过程,是想像性思维方式的起点。

    Mirror stage is a self-deception instant , a fascination caused by illusion , and a start of imaginative mode of thinking .

  11. 在镜像阶段中,婴儿通过镜中的形象开始获得完整的自我,依赖于镜中的他者开始构建自我的形象。

    In mirror stage , an infant begins to attain a wholeness of self by the image in the mirror : the other .

  12. 本文则是从拉康的“镜像阶段”理论入手去分析该作品。

    Here in this paper , the writer would like to interpret this work with the theory of " mirror stage " of Lacan .

  13. 在开始步入了镜像阶段的第一步,对自己的形象的身份认同和对立。

    He is shown in the beginning going through the first step of the mirror passage , where he finds images of identification and antagonism .

  14. 拉康提出“镜像阶段”说,发展并“哲学化”了其中的主体问题,同时也使其中的悖论更为突出;

    Jacques Lacan presented a theory of " the Mirror Stage ", and made the paradoxical problems seemed more serious through developing the subject philosophically .

  15. 此外.本章还包含比如镜像阶段、幻想、身份确认、主体性,以及创伤等关键词的论述。

    Additional key words of this chapter such as mirror stage , fantasy , self-identification , subjectivity , trauma are also articulated in this chapter .

  16. 婴儿在前镜像阶段无法感知到自身与他人的差异性,更不要提形成作为个体的主体性了。

    In the pre-mirror stage , the infant could not sense the otherness between himself and other , let alone to form the subjectivity as an individual .

  17. 这个有着多重边缘身份的黑人女性在心理上始终滞留在幼儿的“镜像阶段”无法超越,造成了其人格的异化和分裂。

    As an outsider of the society and the mainstream culture , this disabled black woman lingers at the psychological stage of Mirror Stage and cannot surpass her splitting self mentally .

  18. 在“先天不足的主体&‘镜像阶段’”部分,笔者通过对“镜像阶段”的几个阶段性分析来诠释拉康的这一著名理论。

    In the chapter of The Congenital Subject-at the stage of Mirror , the authortry to explain this famous theory by the analysis of the several developing stages in the Mirror Stage .

  19. 首先,纪实手法不仅有其存在的历史基础,更有心理基础,如荣格心理学、后结构主义者提出的“镜像阶段”等。

    Firstly , the existence of Events Recording has not only the historical basis , but also the psychological one , such as Rongge psychology , and " mirror photo phase " initiated by post-structures .

  20. 本文作者认为乔与处在镜像阶段的孩子有相似之处,并且他是处在想象性的阶段和符号性的阶段之间。

    The writer thinks that Joe has similarities to the child in what Lacan calls the mirror stage and he is a man caught between , in Lacan 's terms , the imaginary and the symbolic .

  21. 而在这部小说中,由于受到奴隶制带来的心理伤害,小说中的主要人物像未经历过镜像阶段的孩子一样,没有明确的自我意识与身份感。

    While the main characters in the novel , like a child before the mirror stage , have no sense of distinct selfhood because of the psychological damage on them under slavery and all live in a state of identity confusion .

  22. 作为他的一切其它理论发展的基石,镜像阶段理论是研究自我的结构化,自己第一次将自身称为我的阶段。

    As the foundation of all his later theories , the target of the famous " mirror image theory " is to study the construction of " self " & the phase or period when the self first identifies with the pronoun " I " .

  23. 当乔在孤儿院时,其他孩子喊他黑鬼,这就如同当一个处在镜像阶段的孩子看到镜子中自己的镜像时,他的母亲告诉他,这是你。

    When Joe stays in the orphanage , other kids call him " nigger ", which is like the mother of the baby in the mirror stage telling the baby " It 's you " when the baby looks into the mirror and sees his mirror stage .

  24. 拉康提出,在镜像阶段,6-18个月大的婴儿能够从镜子中认出自己,并认同这具有统一感的镜像,这就是认同的发生,被称为想象性认同。

    Lacan proclaims that in the " Stage of Mirror ", the infant of six to eighteen month would recognize herself in the mirror , and self-identifies the mirror with a sense of unity . This is the occurrence of identification , which is regarded as the imaginative self-identification .

  25. 拉康指出能否成功区分镜像(理想自我)和自我(真实自我)是后镜像阶段的关键所在。

    Lacan points out that whether successfully distinguishes the specular image ( IdealI ) from ego ( RealI ) or not is a key point of post-mirror stage .