
  • 网络Mirror neuron
  1. 我现在要谈另一种具有相当不同功能的镜像神经元。

    Now there is another kind of mirror neuron , which is involved in something quite different .

  2. 孤独症患者在动作观察、情绪认知等过程中镜像神经元系统激活明显缺乏。

    ASD objects shown obvious lack of the activation of mirror neuron system during the task of observation or emotional cognition .

  3. 实验一通过量化EEG的方法来研究动作观察过程中u节律在大脑皮层的分布和活动情况,并以μ节律振荡作为指标来间接反映动作模仿过程中镜像神经元的活动。

    The experiment 1 researches on the μ rhythm distribution and activation in the cerebral cortex during imitation by quantified EEG methods , and makes the μ rhythm oscillation as an indicator to indirectly reflect the activation of mirror neurons in the course of action imitation .

  4. 镜像神经元、模仿、仿真。

    Mirror neurons and imitation , emulation .

  5. 阐明心理理论机制的新途径&来自镜像神经元研究的证据

    A New Approach to Understanding the Mechanism of the Theory of Mind : Evidence from Researches on Mirror Neurons

  6. 镜像神经元系统的发现使得研究者从一个较为统一的神经机制层面了解人类多个层次的社会认知活动。

    The finding of mirror neuron system engenders researchers to understand human beings'various domains of social cognition from a unifying neural mechanism .

  7. 好,所以这里有一种回馈信号,否决镜像神经元所发出的信号,使你不会在意识上历经被触碰的感觉。

    Okay , so there is a feedback signal that vetos the signal of the mirror neuron preventing you from consciously experiencing that touch .

  8. 最近,神经学家发现镜像神经元的一组子集使我们能够进一步增进对他人感受的认知。

    Recently , neuroscientists have found that a subset of mirror neurons allows us to empathize with others ' feelings at a deeper level .

  9. 了解镜像神经元的活动,将促使学生重新思考符合道德规范行为的价值所在,以及这种行为与组织绩效和企业利润之间的联系。

    Learning about the activity of mirror neurons would drive students to reconsider the value of ethical behaviour and its link to organisational performance and profit .

  10. 拿一瓶葡萄酒或看到其他人做同样的事情时,镜像神经元都会起动。

    Mirrorneurons fire both when you do something , like grab a bottle of wine , and when you watch another person do the same thing .

  11. 研究镜像神经元系统有助于揭示孤独症的成因,同时也有助于研究者形成新的诊断和治疗方式。

    Studies of the mirror neuron system may reveal clues to the causes of autism and help researchers develop new ways to diagnose and treat the disorders .

  12. 他说,你不必刻意创造这幅蓝图,通过所谓的镜像神经元,它会自然而然地产生。

    You don 't have to go out of your way to create this blueprint , he says , it happens naturally through what are called mirroring neurons .

  13. 镜像神经元也可能参与模仿,大猿似乎具有最基本的模仿能力,而人类的则显著多了。

    Mirror neurons may also be involved in imitation , an ability that appears to exist in rudimentary form in the great apes but is most pronounced in humans .

  14. 镜像神经元是人脑细胞,它们不仅在我们执行特定活动时激活,在我们看着其他个体执行同样的行为时也会被激活。

    They are the cells in the brain that fire not only when we perform a particular action but also when we watch someone else perform that same action .

  15. 这些放电活动属于其他神经元对参与感知活动的神经元感知行为过程中运动成分的“感应”,因此释放这些电活动的细胞被称为镜像神经元。

    Because these discharges " reflect " the perceptual aspects of actions of others onto the motor repertoire of the perceiver , these cells have been called mirror neurons .

  16. 我认为这些事件的产生,源于复杂的镜像神经元系统突然出现,让你能模仿他人的行为。

    And I claim that what happened was the sudden emergence of a sophisticated mirror neuron system , which allowed you to emulate and imitate other people 's actions .

  17. 伴随具身认知科学的兴起和镜像神经元的发现,使得经典匹配论的假设得以在具身认知视角下进行检验。

    With the rising of embodied cognitive science and the discovery of mirror neuron , the hypothesis of classical matching theory can be tested under the perspective of embodied cognitive .

  18. 其中最主要的一个催化剂就是在大脑的镜像神经元发现了类像是作用于社会影响的生理机制。

    A major catalyst for this has been the discovery of what seems to be a physiological mechanism for social interaction , located in the brain 's " mirror neurons " .