
  1. 本文运用行为经济学原理解释出游者在选择旅游产品的过程中的一些“反常”现象,以期补充传统经济学对旅游选择行为的研究。

    Behavioral economics principle is used to explain some " abnormal " phenomena during the process of choosing tourism products in the thesis , which supplements traditional research on tourism choice .

  2. 第四章应用行为经济学原理对寿险消费行为存在的问题进行了深入分析并予以解释,说明寿险消费行为是在心理特征影响下复杂的行为取向。

    Chapter ⅳ applies the principle of behavioral economics to explain consumer behavior problems in life insurance in-depth analysis and show that life insurance consumer behavior is complex orientation that under the influence of psychological characteristics .

  3. 本文应用行为经济学的原理和方法,对环境的消费和投资行为进行了较为详尽的分析。

    In this paper , I apply the theory and means of behavior economics to analyse the behaviors of consumption and investment of environment elaborately .

  4. 基于行为经济学的延迟折扣原理,冲动性被定义为优选数量少但可以立即得到的而不是数量大但不能立即得到、需要延迟支付的报酬。

    Recently , based on the principle of delay discounting in behavioral economics , impulsivity is defined as preference for an immediate but smaller reward rather than a delayed but bigger reward .