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  • 网络Action Day
  1. 占领华尔街的抗议者与警察发生冲突,并堵塞了纽约证交所(NYSE)附近的街道,但未能迫使纽交所停止运营。抗议者举行全国范围的行动日活动,以纪念占领运动爆发两个月。

    Occupy Wall Street protesters clashed with police and blocked streets near the New York Stock Exchange but failed to shut it down as they marked a national Day of Action on the two-month anniversary of the movement .

  2. 我们会有另外一个行动日的

    We will go into the case move day .

  3. 其官方名称为“国际提高地雷意识和协助地雷行动日”。

    Its official name is International Mine Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action .

  4. 今天就是行动日。

    Today is the day !

  5. 一九九一年加拿大政府宣布十二月六日为消除针对妇女暴力的纪念和行动日。

    In 1991 , the Canadian government proclaimed December 6th National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women .

  6. 积极起来,积极行动日也或许可以让你的生活向着你理想的方向发展。

    Be Positive , Do Something Day might also be a good time to get your life moving in the direction you want it to go .

  7. 积极行动日会在每年的3月1日举行。这一天能够让我们有机会来创造不同,做一些有积极意义的事情。

    Be Positive , Do Something Day is on March 1st . It is our chance to make a difference in the world and do something positive .

  8. 全球气候变化行动日2005年的今天,全球气候变化行动日,标志着各方参加的京都议定书的第一次会议。

    International Day of Action On Climate Change 2005 - International Day of Action On Climate Change , to mark the first meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol .

  9. 会议中心内或许弥漫着猜疑的气氛,不过在会场外的街头,以至全世界,都在「全球行动日」有大量群众要求采取强而有力的行动。

    Suspicions may have filled the conference centre , but on the streets outside – and around the world – there was massive public demand for strong action in a global day of action .

  10. 再过两天就是计划行动实施日了,他不免有点提心吊胆。

    It 's two days to D-Day and he 's getting worried .

  11. 联合国在今年维和行动纪念日前夕发布了一段视频,特别感谢了中国做出的贡献。

    Speaking ahead of this year 's peacekeeping anniversary , the UN released a short video to particularly honor China 's contribution .

  12. 由于苏联这一行动,对日战争的时间将大大缩短。

    The Soviet Union 's action will very much shorten the war against Japan .

  13. 2002年马丁路德金纪念日的主题是:“纪念!庆祝!行动起来!奋斗日,而不是休息日!”

    The theme of the2002 holiday was : " remember ! Celebrate ! Act ! A day on , not a day off !"