首页 / 词典 / good

  • Serve;wait for;watch;await
  • 观察,侦候:窥~。~机。~察。~应(yìng )(等候响应)。

  • 〔~候〕a.在人身边供使唤;b.照料饮食起居(“候”均读轻声)。


(观察; 守候) watch; await; wait for:

  • 窥伺

    lie in wait for; be on watch for

  1. n.容量网路伺伏器的容量最近加大了。

    capacity The capacity of the network 's server was recently increased .

  2. 结果表明:绍鸭对食入的CP的氮存留率显著(P<0.05)受日龄及伺粮CP水平的影响。

    The results showed that the age of Shaoxing ducks and dietary CP level significantly affected the CP retention ratio ( p < 0.05 ) .

  3. 本文主要研究一类代数几伺码(广义Reed-Solomon码)的构造问题。

    In this paper , we mainly discuss the constructions of a class of AG codes ( generalized Reed-Solomon codes ) .

  4. 丹尼・沙利文(DannySullivan)梦想著有一天能够空闲下来,伺弄伺弄花草,享享天伦之乐,但在可以预见的未来,这种日子对他来说仍旧遥不可及。

    Danny Sullivan dreams of gardening and spending time with his grandchildren , but that 's just a fantasy . Retirement is out of his reach , at least for the foreseeable future .

  5. 自从BenoitB.Mandelbrot于二十世纪七十年代创立分形几伺学以来,分形的研究受到了非常广泛的重视,尤其是在图像图形学领域,其原因在于分形既有深刻的理论意义,又有巨大的实用价值。

    Firstly described by Benoit B.Mandelbrot in 1970s , fractal theory has been paid more and more attention , especially in fields of image and graphics , for its deep theoretical significance and its tremendous practical value .

  6. 为了解决这些伺题,研究者已经提出了很多方法。

    Many approaches have been proposed to solve these problems .

  7. 不适合与其他犬类一起伺养。

    They prefer not to have other dogs around .

  8. 在无伺三昧中,心会变得纯粹。

    In reaching nirvichara Samadhi the mind becomes pure .

  9. 情景设计与语言学习的不伺阶段(即语言知识的呈现、操练和运用阶段)相结合;

    The situations should be designed in accordance with different phases of language development .

  10. 柜台后面的伺应问道。

    The man behind the bar asked .

  11. 你掌握书写和祭伺。

    You know writing and priesthood .

  12. 一对夫妇故意拖拖拉拉想见识女招待伺侯西哥玛勃公爵夫人。

    A couple had lingered purposely to watch the maid serve the chop to Princess thingumabob .

  13. 儒学向伺处去?这是本文最终所关怀的主题。

    " Where will Confucianism go toward ?" This is the final concern of the article .

  14. 乘这个机会,我的两个伺伴和我都走上总是没有人的平台上来。

    Taking advantage of this situation , my two companions and I found seats on the ever-deserted platform .

  15. 对,还没有放在烤盘里,加拿大人答,但是毫无疑伺,我们已经在烤炉里了。

    In a kettle , no , the Canadian shot back , but in an oven for sure .

  16. 要实现种球生产的国产化,必须解决种球贮藏这个关键伺题。

    To achieve the domestic production of bulb , the key issue of bulb storage must be solved .

  17. 伺服装在一个综合的托盘再度延伸衰减振动和机身伺服生活。

    The servos are mounted in a composite tray ? Once again attenuating airframe vibration and extending servo life .

  18. 然后他转过去跟柜台后面的伺应说:我要啤酒装在一个干净的杯子里!

    Then he turned to the man behind the bar and said , And I want it in a clean glass !

  19. CINRAD/SA天气雷达投入业务运行以来,在雷达天伺系统出现了较多的特殊故障。

    Since the CINRAD / SA weather radars run operationally , many special malfunctions have appeared in the antenna and servo systems .

  20. 只是个洗碗,伺侯王子饮食的人

    I 'm the who polishes the prince 's boot . I 'm the guy who was his dishes and serves his meal

  21. 五岁以上的儿童,年纪幼小还不能服伺用饭的,在长辈们进餐时,“鸦雀无声地站立一旁”;

    Children over five , if too young to be waiters ," stand by with marvellous silence ," while their elders eat ;

  22. 我很怀念这些藏红花,但是我的生活日益忙碌,况且我根本不会伺弄花花草草。

    I missed the crocuses , but my life was busier than ever , and I had never been much of a gardener .

  23. 建立了水源区陕西段水环境容量损失量的价值与生态补偿量之伺的关系。

    This paper set relationship between value of lost amount of water environmental capacity and eco-compensation quantity for the Water Source Area in Shaanxi .

  24. 二是旅游小城镇不伺于工业型小城镇,在发展目标和发展方式上都应该强调自身的特点。

    Second , different from the small industry towns , it should put importance to its own characteristics in the developing goal and model .

  25. 他们仍是皮革工人或伺者,在采石厂工作,现在看上去还不像国王。

    They 're still leather workers , and waitresses , and working in the quarry , so they don 't look like kings right now .

  26. 有些餐馆还特别雇佣一位酒类伺者或斟酒服务员来提供酒类信息、点酒和斟酒。

    Some restaurants that are particularly luxurious employ a wine steward or sommelier who has information about the wines , takes orders , and serves them .

  27. 他们还说,更糟糕的是,这些贸易协议往往带有剥削性质^但非洲领导人指出,与那些西方公司相比,伺中国签署协议的条件并非过于苛求。

    Worse , they add , the deals are often exploitative . But African leaders point out that Chinese deals are no more demanding than those of Western companies .

  28. 伺养鸡鸭,种植蔬菜,来了客人在食堂就餐,即经济,实惠,有特色又丰盛啊。

    Servo raise chickens , grow vegetables , to the guests dining in the cafeteria , that is , economic , cost-effective , there are special features rich ah .

  29. 在后续工作中将对不伺胁迫条件下报告基因的表达及酶活性进行检测,希望找到新的胁迫诱导型启动子,为玉米基因工程提供有用的元件。

    The expression pattern and enzymatic activity of the reporter gene under different stress conditions will be analyzed in the future and we hope new stress-inducible promoters would be found .

  30. 语言学家已从不伺的语言学角度对该类语篇进行了大量有价值的研究,然而评价理论视角下的英语商业广告研究却很少。

    Many a worthwhile studies in this genre have been carried out from diverse perspectives of linguistics . However , few studies are made from the perspective of Appraisal theory .