
  • 网络Servo Driver;servo drive
  1. 基于DSP控制技术的交流伺服驱动器研究

    The Study of AC Servo Driver Based on DSP Control Technology

  2. DSQ多功能伺服驱动器的研制与在过程自动控制中的应用

    Development of DSQ Multifunctional Servo Driver and Application in the Process of Automatic Control

  3. 基于FPGA的伺服驱动器分周比设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Frequency Divider in Servo Drivers Based on FPGA

  4. PLC伺服驱动器控制在飞锯机中的应用

    Application of PLC-Servo Amplifier Control Method in Flying-saw

  5. 研制了DSP运动控制卡与伺服驱动器进行连接的伺服接口板,以实现两者之间信号的转接。

    We make the servo interface board for signal conversion between DSP Control Card and Servo Drivers .

  6. 基于UML的现代交流伺服驱动器开发

    UML-Based Development for Modern AC Servo Drives

  7. 研究和设计了交流伺服驱动器速度环的非线性PI调节算法,并采用遗传算法对其参数进行优化设计。

    The nonlinear PI algorithm of speed loop is designed and optimized by genetic algorithm ( GA ) .

  8. 实践证明,EVS9300-EK伺服驱动器结合上位PLC、人机界面HMI、编码器、限位开关等可以很好地实现移动剪切控制功能。

    The practice proves that the EV59300-FK servo combining with PLC , HMI , encoder , limited sensor can realize the movement cutting process .

  9. 采用SiemensS7-200型PLC为主控制器,结合伺服驱动器及上位机PC,构建了张力控制系统的网络结构,满足了集散式控制的要求。

    The tension network control system is built with SIEMENS S7-200 PLC , AC servo drivers and host-pc , which can meet the needs of distributed control .

  10. 本文对台达工业自动化类产品可编程控制器(SS系列)和AC伺服驱动器(低惯量)进行了介绍,并描述了其在牵引设备中的应用。

    The test introduces delta industrial automation of PLC ( SS series ) and AC motor drivers ( low inertia ), and describes the application in the traction equipment .

  11. 硬件的实现主要是FPGA运动控制器与伺服驱动器之间接口电路,主要包括PWM信号、光电编码反馈信号和控制信号接口与伺服驱动器的连接。

    The hardware realization is mainly about the interface between the FPGA-based motion controller and servo-driven , which include the PWM components , the interface link between feedback and control signals of photoelectric encoder and servo-driven .

  12. 系统硬件由1个4自由度机械手、2个版库、粗预对准机构、精细预对准机构、PLC控制器和伺服驱动器等构成;

    The hardware of the system consists of a manipulator with 4 degrees of freedom ( DOFs ), two mask storing boxes , a coarse aligning machine , a fine aligning machine , a PLC controller , servo drivers , etc.

  13. 最后,实现了交流伺服驱动器速度环的线性PI调节和非线性PI调节算法。

    A thorough study of the realization of nonlinear PI algorithm on fixed-point DSP is carried out . Finally , both linear PI regulator and nonlinear PI regulator of speed loop are implemented on the designed AC servo drive .

  14. 本文在分析电动加载系统基本原理的基础上,研究了以数字信号处理器(DSP)和具有直接转矩控制输出的ACS600伺服驱动器为核心的弹用加载控制系统的设计及实现方法。

    This paper studies the design and the realization of missile 's wing and rudder load simulation system based on DSP ( Digital Signal Processor ) and DTC ( Direct Torque Control ) servo driver after introducing the basic principles of electric loading system .

  15. 然后介绍了所设计的伺服驱动器的硬件框架,重点介绍了DSP最小系统、电流检测电路、位置检测电路和以IPM为核心的主电路;

    Then the hardware frame of the servo driver is introduced , especially the design of the DSP minimal system , current detecting circuit , speed and position-acquiring circuit , power circuit based on IPM are further researched .

  16. 该轧辊磨床数控系统由以下几个部分组成:一台IPC机,一套PMAC卡及其附件,五套交流伺服驱动器及交流伺服电动机,两套直流调速装置和直流电机。

    This NC system of roll grinder is made up of an IPC , a PMAC and its accessories , five AC servo drivers and motors , two DC transverters and DC motors .

  17. 本文的目的是设计一套全数字EMA伺服驱动器,控制永磁伺服电机应用于航天系统,并且本课题将对系统的控制策略和动态性能进行研究。

    The purpose of this paper is to design a set of all-digital EMA servo drives to control Permanent-magnet servo motors and thus to be applied in space systems .

  18. 通过DSP模块完成对脉冲指令信号进行插补和加减速算法的处理功能,将处理后的脉冲信号发送给伺服驱动器控制电机运动。

    The DSP module is used to make data processing of pulses commands and direction commands with interpolation and speed control algorithm . After data processing the DSP sends pulses into servo drivers . The servo drivers will control the robot arm to move the pieces .

  19. 控制柜内有一套PLC(含CPU、控制模块,扩展模块及A/D,D/A,O/I等模块)、五套交流伺服驱动器、一套交流变频器、焊接控制电路等部分组成。

    Control inside a PLC ( including CPU , control modules , expansion modules and A / D , D / A , O / I and other modules ), five sets of AC servo drives , frequency converter , such as a set of components communicate .

  20. SERCOS接口是用于数控系统和数字式伺服驱动器之间通信的唯一国际标准,目前已经在世界范围内得到广泛应用;

    The Serial Real-time Communications Standard ( SERCOS ) interface protocol is the unique international standard applied to numerical controls and drivers , and it has been widely used worldwide .

  21. PCL-839是一块具有3路独立步进控制功能的运动控制卡,可以直接与伺服驱动器相连。

    PCL-839 is a motion control card with the function of 3-way independent stepping control , which can be connected directly to a servo actuator .

  22. 通过PCL-832控制卡实现运动控制:完成了插补程序的设计,PC机、控制卡、伺服驱动器、伺服电机作为一个简单模块设计。

    The movement is controlled by the PCL-832 card . The design of simple module is accomplished , which include PC , control card , servo driver , servo motor .

  23. 通过工控机、PCI-1720卡、PCL-836卡、伺服驱动器、伺服电机、电动缸等形成半闭环伺服控制系统,实现对驾驶员座椅的振动控制。

    This project that used indus - trial personal computer , PCI-1720 , PCL-836 card , servo driver , servo motor to constitute a half closed loop servo-control system , so vibration of driver 's chair is real-time controlled .

  24. 具有多种电机控制模式的伺服驱动器的研究

    Research on servo driver with multi modes of motor control

  25. 采用伺服驱动器控制和驱动设备的各种动作;

    Adopt the servo control and driver various action of the device ;

  26. 这些伺服驱动器易于使用,并提供快速执行。

    These servo actuators are easy to use and offer quick implementation .

  27. 永磁同步电机伺服驱动器控制电路及算法

    Design of Servo Driver 's Control Circuit and Algorithm for Magneto-synchronous Motor

  28. 水轮机调速器中全数字交流伺服驱动器的研制

    The design of digital AC servo driver for turbine governor

  29. 一种新型的交流伺服驱动器控制电源的设计

    A New Control Power Supply for AC Server Driver

  30. 全数字交流伺服驱动器设计与研究

    The Study on Design of Digital AC Servo Driver