
  • 网络brush motor
  1. 分析了ZD6型电动转辙机有刷电机的缺点,介绍了无刷直流电机取代有刷电机的方案及可靠性措施。

    Though analyzing the disadvantages of the brush motor in ZD6 type Electric Switch Machine , this paper introduces the replacement of brush motor by brushless DC motor and specific reliability measures .

  2. 有刷电机产品市场已近饱和,企业为寻求新的利润增长点,在加强研发投入的同时,必须对此类项目进行全面的风险分析。

    Since the traditional brush motor market nearly saturated , the enterprise is looking for some new profit growth point . While increasing R & D investment , they should focus on comprehensive risk analysis .

  3. 有刷电机,音响线圈,电感性负载等等。

    Brushed motors , voice coils , inductive loads , etc.

  4. 针对以直流有刷电机提供助力的电动助力转向系统,设计了一种带有在线故障自诊断功能的控制器。

    The operating principle and elementary structure of the bench measurement system for electric power-assisted steering are introduced .

  5. 此系列伺服驱动器提供了一个极其广泛和兼容的选择无刷,水冷式无刷直流有刷电机和同步。

    This servo range offers an extremely wide choice of Brushless , Water-coo led Brushless Synchronous and DC Brush motors and compatible drives .

  6. 给出的基于非平稳信号处理技术的转速检测方法,经适当改变,同样适用于其它有刷电机。

    The sensorless speed detection method given out in this paper can al - so be used to detect speed of other types of brush motors .

  7. 因此,本系统选用永磁同步电机取代传统的有刷电机,控制器设计采用全数字控制。

    Therefore , this system selects the permanent-magnet synchronous motors to replace the traditional brush motors , and the all-digital-control way is used in the design of controllers .

  8. 它采用非接触式换向,除了具有有刷电机的一系列优点外,还具有寿命长、噪声低、运行可靠以及能在较广范围内平滑地调速等一系列优点。

    Besides owning the good characters of Brush DC motor , it also has some other advantages such as long life , low noise , reliable operation , and can be regulated in a large range smoothly due to its non-contact commutator .

  9. 低气压及真空条件下有刷直流电机电刷磨损的研究

    Research of Brush Abrasion in Vacuum Condition

  10. 研究了电动自行车电机的结构和特点,分析了有刷直流电机和无刷直流电机的原理框图和典型的控制电路。

    The thesis studied the structure of thee-bicycles motor and analyzed the principle diagram and typical controlling circuit DC motors , including both brush type and brushless type .

  11. 无刷直流电机以电子换向替代了有刷直流电机的机械换向,以其优良的调速性能在国民经济的各个领域得到了广泛应用。

    Brushless DC motor replaces the mechanical commutation of brush DC motor with electronic commutation . It has been widely used in all areas of the national economy because of its excellent speed performance .

  12. 无刷直流电机在克服了有刷直流电机机械换相缺点的同时,又具有结构简单、运行可靠以及调速性能好等优点,在很多领域中得到了广泛的应用。

    Brushless DC Motor in overcoming a brush DC motor machinery commutation faults , meanwhile has simple structure , reliable operation and good performance of speed etc , so in many fields used widely .

  13. 无刷直流电机以电子控制线路代替机械电刷和换向器实现直流电机的换相,集有刷直流电机和交流电机的优点于一体,是当今最高效率的调速电机。

    The brushless DC motor ( BLDC ), with the electrical circuit to replace the mechanical brush and the commutator , is one of the most high effective motor currently for combining the advantages of both AC motor and DC motor .

  14. 针对真空条件下有刷直流电机电刷磨损严重的问题,分析了真空条件下影响电刷磨损的主要因素,提出真空条件下减小电刷磨损,延长电机使用寿命的改进措施。

    The main factors effected the brush abrasion is analyzed . The improved measure is present to reduce the abrasion and extend the operational life in vacuum and low pressure mainly against the state that the brush abrasion in vacuum and low pressure is much serious .

  15. 有几个选择无刷电机在市场上,如黑客和Astro。

    There are several choices of brushless motor in the market , such as the Hacker and Astro .