
yǒu xiào rónɡ jī
  • Effective volume;effective working volume;effective inner volume
  1. DNA存储技术是一种基于生物分子的数据存储技术。对贮热水箱有效容积计算方法的探讨

    DNA as a storage medium is extremely effective . CALCULATION OF THE EFFECTIVE VOLUME OF HOT WATER STORAGE TANKS

  2. 北京啤酒厂的8个生产性升流厌氧污泥层(UASB)反应器总有效容积2000m~3,系统地介绍了该反应器用于常温下处理啤酒工业废水的启动过程。

    The start - up performance of full - scale UASB reactors to treat brewery wastewater at ambient temperature was described in this paper .

  3. 这不仅可以减小钢包永久衬的厚度、增大钢包有效容积,还能提高钢包装钢量和保温效果,有利于避免VD炉溢渣。

    The results show that the lining thickness is reduced and the volume of ladle is enlarged , so the ladleful is increased and the thermal insulation is improved .

  4. 产酸相为有效容积5.51的普通上流式反应器,甲烷相为有效容积19.51的UASB。

    A general upflow reactor with 5 . 5 1 effective volume was used as acidification phase . A UASB reactor with 19 . 5 1 effective volume was used as methane phase .

  5. 由于UNITANK系统有效容积系数不高,仅适合于中小型污水处理厂。

    The efficient volume in the system is not very high , so it is fit for middle or small sewage treatment .

  6. 设备的有效容积为φ480mm×800mm,装载量可以达到300kg以上。

    The effective capacity of the equipment is of φ 480mm × 800mm , and the loading capacity can be more than 300 kg .

  7. 膨胀水箱有效容积计算的探讨

    Discussion on the Calculation of Effective Volume of the Expansion Tank

  8. 对贮热水箱有效容积计算方法的探讨

    Calculation of the effective volume of hot water storage tanks

  9. 自压喷灌减压池有效容积的确定

    Determination of Available Volume of Pressure Reduction Pool for Self Pressure Sprinkler Irrigation

  10. 井口受煤仓有效容积的计算及其影响因素分析

    Calculation and factor analysis on effective volume of coal feeding bunker at mine mouth

  11. 长方形工作室,使有效容积达到最大。

    The working chamber is rectangular so as to achieve the maximum of effective volume .

  12. 以上几个方面的改进使釜内物料所占用的有效容积增大;

    The improvement with a plurality of aspects increases the effective volume of the materials in the reactor ;

  13. 长方体工作室,使有效容积达到最大,微电脑温度控制器,控温精确可靠。

    Cuboid chamber maximizes the effective cubage . Microprocessor controller for temperature ensures a precise and reliable control .

  14. 井口受煤仓的有效容积影响因素很多,计算复杂。

    There are many factors influenced to the effective volume of the coal feeding bunker . The calculation is complicated .

  15. 研究表明,构造变动破坏烃量主要有三种形式:剥离区域盖层、切断区域盖层的连续性和破坏圈闭的有效容积。

    The removal of the regional cap rock , the destruction of the regional cap rock continuity and the effective volume of traps .

  16. 本文研究了包钢高炉内碱金属在炉渣和煤气中的分布,炉子有效容积为1513m~3。

    The distribution of alkalis between the slag and the gas in the blast furnaces of Baotou Iron and Steel Company has been investigated .

  17. 与其使用价值有关的费用指标为单位有效容积的投资和单位生产能力的投资。

    The related expense indexes of the gas usage value are the investment on the unit effective volume and investment on the unit production capacity .

  18. 地下储气库的使用价值取决于储气库的有效容积和最大日采气量,还与其采气设计值有关。

    The usage value of the underground gas storage depends on the effective volume , maximum daily gas output and other design parameters of gas recovery .

  19. 3由于炉内物料有分层现象,减小了分解炉的有效容积,因此设计分解炉要尽量避免该种现象发生。

    In the design of the calciner , the delamination should be avoided in that it may cause decrease in the effective volume of the calciner .

  20. 罐体采用计算机三维辅助设计,结构合理,有效容积大,降低运输成本。

    The tank body is designed by means of three-dimensional aid design method with the characteristics of reasonable structure , large effective capacity and reduced transportation cost .

  21. 首钢2号高炉有效容积1726m~3,于1991年5月15日扩容大修改造后投产。

    Shougang 's No. 2 blast furnace with the effective volume 1726m ~ 3 was blown in at May 15 , 1991 after revamped with enlarging effective volume .

  22. 通过扩大风机进风口截面积和进风箱有效容积,风机的工作性能达到了设计指标要求。

    Then we enlarge the inlet area and the effective dimension of the main fan , and so the work performance of the main fan reaches the desinged requirment .

  23. 考察了污泥接种体积分别为25%、50%和75%的反应器有效容积情况下的污泥颗粒化特征。

    Granulation of aerobic sludge with different seed sludge volume , which ( 25 % , 50 % and 75 % of effective volume of the reactor ) was observed .

  24. 栽培室内胆为镜面不锈钢结构,其有效容积1.8m3,有效栽培面积1.2m2;

    The growth room , being composed of a inner wall of mirror face stainless steel , holds a volume of 1.8 m 3 and a growing area of 1.2 m 2 ;

  25. 结果表明:加载系统负载刚度和泄漏系数的提高,以及马达排量和有效容积的减小都有利于加载系统快速性的提高。

    The results prove that the enlargement of load stiffness and leakage coefficient of loading system and the decrease of motor displacement and the total compressed volume can enhance the response velocity .

  26. 损失能量回收率76%,能量损耗与蓄能器的有效容积、飞轮的初速度和转动惯量有关。

    It was lower at small displacement . Efficient saving rate of the loss energy was 76 % , and related to the effective volume of accumulator , initial speed and inertia of flywheel .

  27. 文章采用数值积分的方法,建立了受煤仓有效容积的一个通用计算模型,并开发了相应的软件,其使用方便。

    The paper has set up a general calculation model for the effective volume of the coal feeding bunker with the numerical integrating method and developed the related software which could be easy fro operation .

  28. 但同时存在总氮,总磷处理能力较差,不能达到国家排放标准;污泥沉积严重,较大地影响了氧化沟有效容积以及产生污泥膨胀等问题。

    However , there are such problems as too low TN and TP removal rate , sludge deposit in the bottom of oxidation ditch , and sludge expansion during the operation of the oxidation ditch .

  29. 膨胀水箱有效容积的计算,现有几种计算表达公式,由于公式中水温波动值的取值不一样,其计算结果也不尽相同。

    There are several formulas for the calculation of effective volume of expansion tanks . Since the selected values of fluctuation of water temperature are different , the calculation results also differ from each other .

  30. 因而早期诊断和治疗,尽量缩短脊髓受压时间,恢复椎管有效容积,为神经功能的恢复创造有利条件显得十分重要。

    Therefore early diagnosis and treatment , to shorten the time of compression of spinal cord and restoring the effective volume of the spinal canal are very important to create favorable conditions for the recovery of nerve function .