
  • 网络Validity Pixel;effective pixel;Pixels
  1. 通过像素点来模拟弹着点和对搜索区有效像素的统计,得出与实际投弹对应的轰炸结果。

    Through simulating the bomb dropping point by pixel point and corresponding statistic of valid pixel , the practical bombing result is obtained .

  2. 根据车道偏离预警系统对于道路图像的特殊要求,针对现有图像处理的不足之处,并结合目前最先进的图像处理算法,在减少噪声、阈值分割以及保存有效像素等方面取得了明显的进展。

    According to the special requirements of LDWS for road image , this paper aims itself at the defect in image processing of LDWS in existence , and combining the advanced image processing algorithm in existence , make progress in eliminating noise , exact threshold division and keeping efficiency pixel .

  3. 同时,目前抠图领域也缺乏标准且有效的像素级评价系统。

    Meanwhile , image matting also lacks ofa standard , effective and pixe-wise evaluation system .

  4. 小波的高阶消失矩特性可以有效的去除像素之间的相关性。

    The high rank vanishing moments of wavelets can eliminate the correlation of pixels .

  5. 对比度提升法同样可用于其他方法得到的融合图像中,对比实验证明对比度提升法能够有效提高各像素级融合方法的图像质量。

    And the experiments of applying the contrast enhancing method to other fusion rules prove that it can effectively improve the quality of the images .

  6. 使用模糊测度作为神经网络的目标函数可以有效地描述像素类别的不确定性,从而通过使其最小实现图像分类优化。

    Use fuzziness measures as objective function of neural network can depict uncertainty of pixels ' category validly so as to optimize image classification by minimizing the objective function .

  7. 该技术针对亚图像成像空间分辨率的非线性特性,有效利用每个像素所携带的信息,实现亚图像目标的均衡识别,从而提高系统的全域检测概率。

    In consideration of the nonlinear characteristics of the image space , by making full use of the information of each pixel , this technology realizes the subpixel target recognition , and improves the target detection probability .

  8. 如果出现错误的最高有效位,即像素得到完全不同的价值。

    If an error occurs on the MSB , that pixel gets an entirely different value .

  9. 如何快速有效的为每个像素选取大小和形状不同的匹配窗口是基于自适应窗匹配算法的核心问题。

    How to select appropriate matching window effectively for each pixel is the most important problem of adaptive window algorithm .

  10. 根据双能量摄影胸片图像的各自特点,采用一种新的基于小波能量尺度分析算法,有效实现了基于像素级的多模图像融合。

    According to the properties of the sternum image in double energy fusion , a new kind of fusion method is proposed to achieve pixel level multi - image fusion based on the wavelet energy scale analysis .