
  1. 利用未确知因子的数学表述和未确知有理数的运算规则,推导出结构位移响应和单元应力响应的计算表达式。

    By the mathematics expression of unascertained factor and the arithmetic operation rules of unascertained rational numbers , the computational expressions of the structural displacement response and the element stress response were developed .

  2. 未确知有理数的定义运算及其应用

    Difinition and Operations of Unascertained Rational Numbers and Their Applications

  3. 复有理灰数的运算及其性质

    Calculation and Properties of the Complex Rational Grey Number

  4. 本文从实数的基本用法入手,将实数进行推广,引入了最常用的未确知数&未确知有理数的概念和运算,进而研究了它在建筑工程上的应用。

    In this paper , starting with the basic usage of real number , the concept of unascertained rational numbers and its four arithmetic operations are introduced , and its application in architectural engineering is studied .

  5. 未确知有理数的概念与乘法运算

    The Concept of Unascertained Rational Number and Multiplication Operation