
  • 网络Generate Collection;spanning set
  1. 关联属性允许根据消息的内容生成集合。

    The correlation properties allow collections to be made according to the content of the messages .

  2. 该方法使用一个新的纹理块来替换边界匹配纹理块的中心,并采用ImageQuilting算法查找替换路径,从而生成Tile集合,继而合成大块纹理。

    By replacing the center of edge-matching texture tile with a new texture tile and using the Image Quilting path-finding algorithm to find the instead path , this algorithm generates Tile set and synthesizes a large texture .

  3. 应用改进的V-detector算法生成检测器集合监控主机的网络流量特性,以检测蠕虫攻击。

    Secondly , the improved V-detector algorithm was used to generate detector sets and monitor hosts ' network traffic characteristics for worm attacks .

  4. 以上两种方法结合在一起,就可以在很少人工干预的情况下,为回归测试自动地生成用例集合。

    By combining the above two approaches , the regression test cases can be generated automatically .

  5. 它不断增长的可用重构和代码生成功能集合允许您在更高的级别上操作代码,并自动化通常的代码密集型任务和易错任务。

    Its ever-growing set of available refactorings and code-generation functions allow you to manipulate your code at a higher level and automate often coding-intensive and error-prone tasks .

  6. 基文件名的完整路径,该基文件名不带文件扩展名,位于临时目录路径上,用于生成该集合的临时文件名。

    The full path to the base file name , without a file name extension , on the temporary directory path , that is used to generate temporary file names for the collection .

  7. 不变理论研究的主要问题是不变环的生成元集合,生成元之间的定义关系及环结构等等。

    The main problems which invariant theory research are the set of generators of invariants , the defining relations of the generators of invariants , the structure of invariant ring , and so on .

  8. 如果A还是同调有界的,那么H构成了D(A)的一个生成子的集合。

    Moreover , if Ais homology bounded , then H is a set of generators of D ( A ) .

  9. 其它大多数针对Java语言的数据绑定框架都会强制您为文档提供DTD或W3CXMLSchema语法,然后根据该语法生成类的集合。

    Most other data binding frameworks for the Java language force you to supply a DTD or W3C XML Schema grammar for your documents , then generate a collection of classes from that grammar .

  10. Bloch的这个提案与Imam的还是有区别的,因为这只会生成不变的集合,使用起来更加简洁,同时编译器也可以轻松实现对小型集合的优化。

    Bloch 's proposal differs from Imam 's in that it only produces immutable collections , is somewhat more concise , and should make the compiler 's job of optimisation for small collections easier .

  11. 为了验证新算法的有效性,程序采用MCNC的标准数据集[12]和两个随机生成的模块集合作为实验数据。

    In order to verify the effectiveness of the new algorithm , our experiment uses several standard examples of MCNC and two randomly generated module sets as experimental data .

  12. 本文首先利用随机导航点法的思路优化生成初始模型集合的算法。

    In this study , random pilot-point method is used to optimize the initial model .

  13. 它包括管理服务生命周期,服务生命周期为生成的服务集合构建质量,而这个服务集合又使业务和IT受益。

    It includes managing the service lifecycle that builds quality in the resultant set of services that benefit the business and IT .

  14. 为减少测试工作量本文给出了一个基于数据选择生成测试路径集合的算法。

    In order to reduce the testing effort , an algorithm which selects the testing path set based on data is proposed .

  15. 待定位节点根据接收的信息,生成置信节点集合,并利用集合中的信标节点来计算自己的坐标位置。

    Node , which is positioned according to the received information , generates confidence collection of nodes , and use the collection beacon nodes to calculate their coordinates .

  16. 结果表明,采用不同模式的初始资料生成得到初值集合成员的方法用于集合预报,对南海热带气旋路径预报有一些明显的改进。

    The results show that some obvious improvements can be obtained for the track forecasting by using ensemble members formed by the data of initial fields of the3 different numerical models .

  17. 实验结果表明,采用基于本体的扩展特征向量提取模型在对肾小球实体识别上获得了86.16%的准确率以及83.34%的召回率,优于仅由样本生成特征向量集合的实验结果。

    The experiments show that ontology based extending feature extraction model can do better performance than the other feature extraction methods and get 86.16 % precision and 83.34 % recall value on Glomerular recognition .

  18. 经过抓取文本评论数据,分词,生成特征项集合,编码标注,确定词义相似度计算方法,机器聚类,对聚类簇进行分析等步骤,得出了一个更加合理的信誉评价维度。

    After the process of grabbing text reviews data , words segmentation , the generation of characteristics collection , code marking to determine the semantic similarity calculation , machine clustering and cluster analysis , we get a more reasonable reputation dimension .

  19. 然后用Monte-Carlo方法和增长模繁殖法对控制预报进行了集合预报试验,生成了相应的集合预报产品,并结合真实风暴和控制预报结果进行了对比分析。

    Secondly we do the ensemble forecast experiments by applying the Monte-Carlo method and BGM ( Breeding of Growing Modes ) method to control prediction respectively .

  20. 新算法中改进了零块编码中四叉树分裂算法(quadtree),并设计亍新的链表生成和不重要集合排序策略。

    A modified quadtree algorithm and a new ordering 's strategy of List of Insignificant Sets ( LIS ) are proposed in new algorithm .

  21. 获取在验证说明文档时生成的警告的集合。

    Gets a collection of warnings generated when validating the description documents .

  22. 获取由该控件生成器生成的对象的集合。

    Gets a collection of the objects that have been built by the control builder .

  23. 文章基于容量最大准则,提出一种简单的随机搜索算法来生成用户识别矩阵集合。

    And a simple random search algorithm , based on capacity maximization criteria , is developed to generate a bank of user-specific matrices .

  24. 元素定义一个生成提供程序的集合,这些提供程序用于在编译期间编译特定文件类型的自定义资源文件以及生成代码。

    Element defines a collection of build providers that are used to compile custom resource files of a particular file type and generate code during compilation .

  25. 该策略以本体及其推理能力为核心,复用信息网格中已有服务,生成优化重构路径集合完成服务集成,满足请求多样性和信息关联的需要。

    By the ontology and its reasoning capability , WS-DIC can reuse existing Web services to generate an optimized integrating or constructing paths set to meet the need of request diversity and information relevancy .

  26. 为了使动态符号执行生成的测试输入更有效,本文从三方面着手提高动态符号执行的效率:将白盒测试覆盖目标作为测试驱动;优化可变偏移的约束处理;动态管理测试输入生成的变量集合。

    To make dynamic symbolic execution more effective for white-box testing , this paper presents three ways to increase the efficiency of dynamic symbolic execution : adding coverage algorithm into dynamic symbolic execution ; optimizing constraint-processing algorithm for pointers and offsets ; expanding data-generation algorithm for dynamic test inputs set .