
  • 网络The Tree of Life;Yggdrasil;tol
  1. 贝尔的下两部影片会与泰伦斯马利克(TerrenceMalick)合作,马立克的上一部影片是《生命之树》(TheTreeofLife),而拍完蝙蝠侠三部曲对贝尔来说无疑是种解脱。

    His next two projects will pair him with Terrence Malick , whose last film was The Tree of Life , while the end of the Batman trilogy is clearly a matter of some relief .

  2. 特伦斯-马力克(TerrenceMalick)导演的《生命之树》获得本届法国戛纳电影节最高奖项金棕榈奖。

    The top prize at the Cannes Film Festival in France , the Palmed'Or , has been won by The Tree of Life , directed by Terrence Malick .

  3. 在北欧神话Yggdrasil是一个伟大的梣树,又被称为生命之树。

    In Norse mythology Yggdrasil was a Great Ash Tree , also known as the Tree of Life .

  4. 受到位于艾哈迈达巴德的SiddiSyed寺的启发,印度馆入口处设立了一个刻有生命之树字样的拱形门。

    Highlight 1 : Tree of Life The entrance to the pavilion is through a vaulted portal with the " Tree of Life " carving inspired by the " Siddi Syed Mosque " at Ahmedabad .

  5. 系统发育基因组学&重建生命之树的一条迷人途径

    Phylogenomics & An Attractive Avenue to Reconstruct " Tree of Life "

  6. 生命之树(恢复):可以施放解除诅咒。

    Tree of Life ( Restoration ): Can now cast Dispel Curse .

  7. 他们的生命之树就会从根开始腐烂。

    Their tree of life is going to wind up with root rot.

  8. 生命之树形态:校正了说明文字里的一个拼写错误。

    Tree of Life Form : Corrected a misspelling in the tooltip .

  9. 黄添友:让生命之树长绿蝽类昆虫在地球生命中的主干种演化历程

    Huang Tianyou Makes the Tree of Life Green Forever

  10. 让生命之树常青&论科学保健养生

    Evergreen Tree of Life & On Scientific Health Care

  11. 生命之树从上往下演化的另一支。

    Evoiving down another branch on the tree of life was a fiexibie .

  12. 友谊,会使你生命之树常青。

    Friendship makes the tree of life evergreen .

  13. 把这颗树叫作生命之树。

    Called this granddaddy the tree of life .

  14. 荆棘术和自然之握可以在生命之树的形态下施放了。

    Thorns and Nature 's Grasp can be cast in Tree of Life form .

  15. 那就是生命之树年轮里新的一轮刻痕。

    That is , Tree of Life ring in the new round of the notch .

  16. 生命之树-你现在能在这个形态下释放自然之握和荆棘术(上次不是说了修改了的么?)

    Tree of Life-You can now cast Nature 's Grasp and Thorns spells in this form .

  17. 我的生命之树在枯萎,死神在向我步步逼近,我还能活下去吗?!

    My life tree is fading , and the dead is coming , can I live on ?

  18. 我们都是上帝的生命之树,就是没有真正的分割或分离。

    We are all part of God 's tree of life-there is no real fragmentation or separation .

  19. 生命之树常青&民间美术浅析

    Immortality of Folk Art

  20. 我也对你的视线所以图片与A的药剂很多,从生命之树下降。

    I also view your pictures and therefore many pharmaceutical A , down from the tree of life .

  21. 这天晚上有许多花和树都凋谢了,死神马上就会到来,重新移植它们!你知道得很清楚,每个人有他自己的生命之树,或生命之花,完全看他的安排是怎样。

    Many flowers and trees have withered this night ; Death will soon come and plant them over again !

  22. 城市之于区域自然山水格局,犹如果实之于生命之树。

    The cities in the region natural scenery pattern , just like the fruits on the tree of life .

  23. 将这些信息绘制到纸上时,它看起来就象一株巨大茂密的树,所以这项工程起名生命之树。

    When plotted on a page the information looks like a giant , bushy tree , hence the project 's nickname .

  24. 另外,该回春术效果在战斗记录中的说明文字将不再错误地显示它需要生命之树形态。

    In addition , the combat log tooltip for this Rejuvenation effect no longer spuriously claims it requires Tree of Life Form .

  25. 今后他会和西恩潘共同出演梦幻舞台剧《生命之树》,预计将于今年秋天首演。

    He will next be seen starring alongside Sean Penn in fantasy drama Tree of Life , slated for release this autumn .

  26. 目前,生命之树天赋会同时提供提高小队所受到的治疗的效果,以及降低持续治疗法术消耗的特性。

    The Tree of Life talent currently grants bonus healing to group members and reduces the cost of your hots in tree form .

  27. 没有友谊,生命之树就会在时间的涛声中枯萎,心灵之壤就会在季节的变奏里荒芜。

    Without friendship , the tree of life will die as time goes by , and the soil of heart will become a wilderness .

  28. 你知道得很清楚,每个人有他自己的生命之树,或生命之花,完全看他的安排是怎样。

    You certainly know that every person has his or her life 's tree or flower , just as everyone happens to be settled ;

  29. 穿过屋顶矗立着太阳之塔,在里面有一棵160英尺高的生命之树。

    Rising through the roof is the Tower of the Sun , inside which stands a 160 - – foot – tall Tree of Life .

  30. 上帝然后驱逐他们的花园,使他们不也吃了生命之树,并成为不朽的诅咒状态。

    God then expels them from the garden so they do not also eat from the Tree of Life and become immortal in their cursed state .