
  • 网络Oceans;Ocean's Eleven;Ocean Eleven;ocean s eleven
  1. 但要把握好度,否则可能会让对方感到惊恐:“我在Facebook偷偷关注过你,我发现你喜欢《十一罗汉》这部电影,我也喜欢!”

    But , don 't overdo this - it can come across as creepy , " I was stalking you on Facebook and saw you love the movie Ocean 's Eleven ... me too ! "

  2. 盗贼题材影片《十一罗汉》/《盗海豪情》以及魔幻三部曲《魔戒》也都如此。

    So does the heist film Ocean 's Eleven and the fantasy trilogy , The Lord of the Rings .

  3. 这简直就像是十一罗汉那部电影

    This is like an " oceans " movie .

  4. 海瑟薇和华纳兄弟即将推出《十一罗汉》的衍生剧《瞒天过海:美人计》。

    Hathaway and WB are coming off " Ocean 's 8 , " a spinoff of the " Ocean 's Eleven " movies .

  5. 这位《十一罗汉》主演从马克·沃尔伯格的手里夺回了在福布斯年度富豪榜上第一的位置。去年他连榜单前10都没进。

    The Oceans 11 star took back top spot on Forbes ' annual list from Mark Wahlberg after not even making the top 10 last year .

  6. 观众们喜欢看《十一罗汉》系列电影中的乔治克鲁尼和布拉德皮特,并不只是因为他们长得帅,还因为大家都知道他们俩在现实生活中是亲密无间的好朋友。

    Audiences love seeing George Clooney and Brad Pitt in the Ocean 's movie not just because of their good looks but because they know the two men are close friends in real life .

  7. 上周一些报道透露说这对明星夫妇的婚礼将在乔治?克鲁尼在义大利科摩湖畔的豪宅中举行,尽管曾出演《十一罗汉》的克鲁尼只是笑对传言。

    Reports surfaced last week that the celebrity couple would be getting married at George Clooney 's villa ( 3 ) on Lake Como , although the ' Ocean's11 ' star laughed off the rumours at the time .

  8. 在获奖之前,玛格里斯和钱德尔争论了一番谁才是克鲁尼的好“基友”,钱德尔提到了他在《十一罗汉》里和克鲁尼的共演以证明自己才是真正的“好基友”。

    Prior to receiving his award , Margulies and Cheadle argued over who was closer to Clooney , with Cheadle using starring in " Ocean 's Eleven " with him as proof he 's good friends with the actor .

  9. 然后是乔治克鲁尼和布拉德皮特,他们联袂出演的四部电影获得了10.3亿美元的票房总收入,而《十一罗汉》三部曲的票房收入占了其中的大部分。

    Next come George Clooney and Brad Pitt . The four movies they have appeared in together earned a total of $ 1.3 billion at the box office , with the Ocean 's trilogy accounting for most of that money .