
  • Twelve months;twelvemonth
  1. 我们需要从二月份以来的十二个月的数据。

    We need the figures for the twelve months , beginning with february .

  2. 业界分析家预测,结合了Web服务的企业门户将未来的十二个月内实现。

    Industry analysts predict that enterprise portals combined with Web services will take off within the next twelve months .

  3. 劳工部部长希尔达·索利斯(HildaSolis)提请大家注意这样一个事实:美国就业岗位已经连续十二个月增加。

    Labor Secretary Hilda Solis called attention to the fact that the economy has added jobs for twelve months in a row .

  4. Hansen说,一般情况下海外求职都需要用六到十二个月,而且在任何国家找工作本身就是一项全职工作。

    The average job search abroad ranges between six to 12 months , and searching for a job in any country is a full-time job itself , Hansen says .

  5. StephenHess:“下届选举关键将取决于美国的就业情况。”劳工部长希尔达·索利斯(HildaSolis)呼吁大家注意这样的事实:美国经济体的就业岗位已经连续十二个月增加。

    STEPHEN HESS : " The next election will , more than anything else , depend on employment in the United States Labor Secretary Hilda Solis called attention to the fact that the economy has added jobs for twelve months in a row .

  6. 根据全国房地产经纪人协会(NAR)周二公布的一项研究报告,在截至今年三月的十二个月里,中国买家们花费了220亿美元在美国房产上,以美元来算占海外销售额的24%。

    Chinese buyers spent $ 22 billion on US homes in the 12-month period ending in March , or about 24 percent of total foreign sales by dollar value , according to a study released Tuesday by the National Association of Realtors ( NAR ) .

  7. 选择南昌市西湖区儿童保健门诊年龄满三个月至十二个月龄、出生体重≥2500g,喂养正常的系统管理儿童,共计112例。

    112 systematic managed children were chosen from the Children Health Clinic in the Westlake District , Nanchang , who were three to twelve months old with birth weight ≥ 2 500 g and were fed normally .

  8. 最高可被判罚款一万元及入狱十二个月。

    The maximum penalty is a $ 10000 fine and12 months'imprisonment .

  9. 她开始研究在十二个月延长人类寿命的方法。

    At twelve she began researching ways to extend human life .

  10. 许多受失业问题打击最严重的地区可以领到再维持十二个月的追加救济金。

    Many hard-hit areas have supplemental benefits that last another 12 months .

  11. 我已经等了十二个月,理查。

    I 've already given it twelve months , Richard .

  12. 百分之二十五在六到十二个月怀孕了。

    Twenty-five percent got pregnant within six to twelve months .

  13. 埃德娜:平均大约要九至十二个月的时间。

    Edna : The average would be about nine to twelve months .

  14. 十二个月的信贷是常有的事。

    Twelve months 's credit is the easy-going custom .

  15. 店员:可以。您可以分十二个月轻松付款。

    Clerk : Yes . You can pay in twelve easy monthly installments .

  16. 你要签十二个月的租约吗?

    Do you have to sign a twelve-month lease ?

  17. 汉语里,腊的意思是第十二个月,八的意思是八。

    La in Chinese means the 12th lunar month and ba means eight .

  18. 母猪等他们到了九到十二个月大时就开始繁殖。

    Hogs commence breeding when they are from nine to twelve months old .

  19. 但是这种药物组合可以在六到十二个月之内治愈麻风病。

    But the drug combination can cure the disease within six to twelve months .

  20. 十二个月前,在佛罗里达州的一个图书馆,他对她产生了兴趣。

    His interest in her had begun 12 months before in a Florida library .

  21. 石英表自购买之日起保修十二个月。小型发明会在十二个月内得到保护。

    Quartz Watches are under warranty for twelve months from the date of purchase .

  22. 租金是每个月四万五千元,合约为期十二个月。

    The rent is $ 45,000 a month and the contract is for 12 months .

  23. 十二个月移动平均法

    Method of moving average by 12 months

  24. 一年十二个月,睡上六个月。

    Sleep six months out of twelve .

  25. 十二个月刚过完,“年”就出山来作恶。

    Shortly after twelve months had passed ," nian " came out of the mountains .

  26. 十二个月就构成了一年。

    Twelve months make a year .

  27. 让我再管十二个月的事来帮助完成合并大业。

    I 'd like to stick around for twelve months to help put this deal together .

  28. “腊”在汉语中意味着阴历第十二个月,“八”意思是8。

    " La " in Chinese means the12th lunar month and " ba " means eight .

  29. 十二个月匆匆飞逝。

    All the months fly by .

  30. 距最近一次定向募集股份的时间不少于十二个月;

    Not less than twelve months shall have elapsed since the preceding private placement of shares ;