
  • 网络Twelve categories;twelve leis
  1. 在此基础上,运用理论分析与实例验证的方式,建立了由投资风险、投资机会和投资环境三个子系统,包括十二类评价指标共36个分指标组成的综合评价体系;

    Based on these the comprehensive appraisal system is created that is composed of three subsystems-investment risk , opportunity , and environment .

  2. 基于公平性调节作用的服务忠诚度前置因素模型研究&基于中国十二类服务业的一项探索性研究

    Model of prepositive factors of loyalty under the moderating role of the justice & An explorer research based on 12 service industries of China

  3. 接着阐述了认知型情态意义的特征以及取向和量值的变化,根据这些变化总结出十二类认知型情态表达。

    Second , it explains the characteristics of EMM and the change of orientation and value by which twelve types of EME can be generated .

  4. 黄楠森深入分析文化同政治、经济的关系,将文化视为人类精神活动及其产品,并将文化的外延界定为十二类文化现象。

    Mr. Huang deeply analyzed the relationship between culture 、 politics and economics and defined culture as " human spiritual activities and products ", then divided culture extension into 12 kinds cultural phenomenon .

  5. 物流在经济活动中的作用越来越受到企业的重视,企业对物流专门人才的需求极为迫切,物流专业人才已被列入我国十二类紧缺人才之一。

    The role of Logistics in economic activities is more and more important . The enterprises need specialized logistics talents urgently . Logistics talents have been listed in twelve categories of shortage personnel of China .

  6. 它通常包括以下十二类零件:螺栓、螺柱、螺钉、螺母、自攻螺钉、木螺钉、垫圈、挡圈、销、组合件和连接副、焊钉等。

    Usually there are12 categories which are bolt , stud , screw , nut , self tapping screw , wood screw , gasket , retainer ring , pin , composite member , bolting , and soldering lamp .

  7. 十二种花类药材中八种微量元素的含量测定及比较研究

    Comparative Study on Eight Trace Elements in Twelve Flower Medicines

  8. 教育服务贸易作为服务贸易的十二大类之一正不断成为国内外学者研究的重点。

    Educational trade as one of twelve categories of trade in services is increasingly becoming the focus of domestic and foreign scholars .

  9. 第五章对应着第三章对操作风险的一、二、三级分类,从五大类,十二小类层面有针对性地提出了应对操作风险的解决之道。

    Chapter V corresponds to Chapter III of the operational risk of the first , second and third categories , from five categories , second subclass level puts forward the response to operational risk solution .

  10. 本文研究了十二种黄酮类化合物对兔心肌中环磷酸腺苷磷酸二酯酶(cAMP-PDE)的动力学,表明它们都属于竞争性抑制类型的,并且还给出了它们的抑制常数Ki值;

    The inhibition kinetic study of 12 flavonoids on the cAMP-PDE in rabbit heart muscle indicates that the inhibition is competitive .

  11. 十二烷基苯磺酸钠一类的阴离子型表面活性剂会大大降低复合酶的软化效果,而TX-10,OP-10一类的非离子型表面活性剂有助于提高软化效果。

    Anionic surfactants such as sodium lauryl benzene sulfonate make the bating effect decreased , but non-ionic surfactants such as TX-10 , OP-10 benefit to improve bating effect .