
  • 网络Gamma Crucis;Gacrux;Cru
  1. 我能借你的十字架一用么?

    I borrow that cross of yours ?

  2. 读经台上得雕出一个十字架和一本摊开的福音书。

    On the lectern is to be carved the cross and the open gospel .

  3. 大头的墓前竖着一个小小的十字架,一尊天使雕像还有簇拥的鲜花。

    Her resting place was marked with a wooden cross , a bunch of flowers and even a statue of an angel .

  4. 他们又把两个强盗和他同钉十字架,一个在右边,一个在左边。

    And with him they crucify two thieves ; the one on his right hand , and the other on his left .

  5. 有两个横木的十字架,一个高于一个低于垂直的中点,下面的高于上面的。

    A cross with two crossbars , one above and one below the midpoint of the vertical , the lower longer than the upper .

  6. 六月,来自古巴的罗伯斯&戴着超大的金十字架、一块粗笨的表和一副眼镜的家伙很随便的就打破了刘翔两年前创造的世界记录。

    In June , Cuba 's Dayron Robles wearing an oversize gold cross , a chunky watch and a pair of glasses almost casually broke the world record that Liu had set two years earlier .

  7. 六月,来自古巴的罗伯斯——戴着超大的金十字架、一块粗笨的表和一副眼镜的家伙很随便的就打破了刘翔两年前创造的世界记录。

    In June , Cuba 's Dayron Robles - wearing an oversize gold cross , a chunky watch and a pair of glasses - almost casually broke the world record that Liu had set two years earlier .

  8. 不过,身为退休语言教师的塞尔居也自己保留了一些没有去处的物件,其中包括一个破损了的十字架、一支口琴,以及在沟渠底部的泥土中挖出的一双完好无损的羊毛袜子。

    But Mr. Sercu , a retired language teacher , has kept some of what was not wanted , including a broken crucifix , a harmonica and a pair of almost perfectly preserved wool socks found in the mud at the bottom of one of the tunnels .

  9. 这个女人用十字架杀害了一位年长的邻�

    The woman who murdered an elderly neighbor with a crucifix

  10. 他抓住的是挂在身上的十字架,下一个就是他自己的狗牌牌了。

    He clutches the cross hanging on his chain next to his dog tags .

  11. 这是他被钉十字架前的一个逾越节,在下个逾越节他将被钉十字架。

    This was the second to last Passover Feast before his Crucifixion at the next Passover .

  12. 若我会贪求世上任何一个地方,除了十字架底下的一片尘土,那我就还是丝毫不懂加略山的爱。

    If I covet any place on earth but the dust at the foot of the Cross , then I know nothing of Calvary love .

  13. 无处不在的十字架并非是一种宗教意义上的信仰,而是表明人类现时的存在困境,同时也表征着自救意识、抗争精神、牺牲精神、爱的精神,还意味着一种否定。

    The Cross everywhere means people 's plight , meanwhile , it means the spirit of fight and sacrifice and love , furthermore , it means No.

  14. 主席台下,29个白色的十字架排成一排。每个家庭派一名成员把矿工的头盔放在其中的一个十字架上。在场之人为每一名死难矿工献上自己的掌声。

    The audience applauded for each one and a member of each family placed a miner 's helmet atop one of29 white crosses standing in a row at the foot of the stage .

  15. 十字架上要有一只用冰雕成的鸽子。

    On the cross is to be a dove carved out of ice .

  16. 希恩在写着自己儿子名字的一个白色十字架前点燃了一根蜡烛,并与一名伊战老兵握手。

    Sheehan lit a candle in front of a white cross with her son Casey 's name on it .

  17. 给框架加上一个尾巴,在十字架上系上一个长线以便你能控制风筝。

    Add a tail to the ramie and tie a long string to the cross so you can control the kite .

  18. 如果我们能够去试试其它所有的、我们认为比自己轻的十字架,最后我们就会发现,这些十字架中没有一个比我们自己的十字架更适合自己。

    If we could try all the other crosses that we think lighter than our own , we would at last find that not one of them suited us so well as our own .