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  1. 为十二兽舞在云南民族文化强省的建设中,传承研究以及持续发展提供相应的资料和思路。

    For Twelve animals Yi National Dance Chu-xiong in Yunnan province in the building of national culture , heritage and continued development of appropriate information and ideas .

  2. 此案涉及的两件青铜器,本来是北京近郊圆明园十二生肖兽首铜像的一部分,1860年遭英法联军掠夺。

    The two bronzes at stake were originally part of a fountain head depicting the 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac in the Old Summer Palace , or Yuanmingyuan , near Beijing which was looted by British and French troops in 1860 .