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lián jié
  • integrity;honest;with clean hands;purity;whitehanded
廉洁 [lián jié]
  • (1) [honest; integrity; purity]

  • (2) 清白高洁,不贪污

  • 廉洁奉公

  • (3) 女子品行端正,为人贞洁

  • 廉洁之风

廉洁[lián jié]
  1. 党政机关要廉洁。

    The Party and government institutions should remain honest and clean .

  2. 妻子却一本正经地说:“我听说,有志气的人不喝盗泉之水,廉洁的人不吃磋来之食;何况,这拾来的钱物,会站污一个人的品德!”

    His wife said in all seriousness : " I heard that men with aspiration1 do not drink from the Dao ( meaning steal in Chinese ) Spring , and honest men do not take handout2 food . Furthermore , picked-up money and things will stain one 's moral character . "

  3. 政府须让人觉得是清正廉洁的。

    The government must be seen to be whiter than white .

  4. 你如何能赢得人民的信任,除非你以廉洁之身和他们打交道。

    How can you expect to win confidence of the people unless you come to them with clean hands .

  5. 他们要求建立一个廉洁的政府。

    They demanded the establishment of a clean government .

  6. 生活中很少有人能表现得廉洁无私

    Few people behave disinterestedly in life .

  7. 传统的跨国公司理论主要研究发达国家间的相互投资,发达国家的政府相对廉洁有效,所以传统理论中政府相对于FDI的角色总是被假设掉。

    In traditional international business theories , researches mostly focus on FDI between developed countries and hypothesis that governments always be incorrupt and efficient .

  8. 韦氏公司的总裁约翰·摩尔斯说,integrity在字典中的解释是“坚守准则;清政廉洁”,这个词在网络版辞典中一直很受瞩目。

    The noun , formally defined as a " firm adherence to a code " and " incorruptibility ," has always been a popular one on the company 's Web site , said Merriam-Webster President John Morse .

  9. 总之,必须深化人事制度改革,引入竞争激励机制,完善公务员制度,建设一支廉洁、勤政、务实、高效的公务员队伍,以适应加入WTO后对行政管理的要求。

    Overall , we must intensify personnel system reform , import competition and inspiration mechanism . Perfect officialdom system , and build a team of officialdom that is disinterested , diligent pragmatic , highly efficient to suit the need of administration management from WTO .

  10. 在幸福感分数钟超过3/4的差异来自以下6个关键指标:真正的人均GDP、健康寿命、可以依靠的人、做出人生选择的自由、廉洁度和宽容度。

    More than three-quarters of the differences in happiness scores were attributable to six key metrics : real GDP per capita , healthy life expectancy , someone to count on , perceived freedom to make life choices , freedom from corruption and generosity .

  11. 该顾问委员会将就Volcker小组提出的与机构廉洁局有关的重要建议的执行情况提交进展报告,但不接受或调查具体的投诉。

    The advisory board will submit progress reports on implementation of the major recommendations of the Volcker Panel relating to INT , but will not receive or investigate individual complaints .

  12. “企业联手一种常见现象,需要全球集体采取执行行动降至铲除,”廉洁局战略和核心服务处处长GalinaMikhlinOliver说。

    " Cartels are a common phenomenon that requires a collective global enforcement effort to dismantle ," said Integrity Vice Presidency Director of Strategy and Core Services Galina Mikhlin Oliver .

  13. 腐败排行榜中廉洁国家廉政建设的经验及启示

    The Anti-corruption Experience and the Enlightenment from Incorrupt Nations in CPI

  14. 学校廉洁教育是构建社会主义和谐社会的基础工程

    School Incorruption Education : Foundational Engineering of Building Socialism Harmonious Society

  15. 对炼金术士来说,金子是正直廉洁的化身。

    To the alchemists , gold was the embodiment of incorruptibility .

  16. 廉洁教育对提高大学生思想道德教育影响力的研究

    Research on Probity Education 's Impact on Improving Students ' Ideology

  17. 基于系统视角的校园廉洁教育有效性研究

    Research on the Validity of Campus Incorruption Education from Systematic Perspective

  18. 进一步加强石化企业领导干部的廉洁自律

    Further Strengthen Honor and Self-autonomy of Leading Cadres in State-owned Enterprise

  19. 政府文明是社会主义政治文明极为重要的一部分,政府文明的实质是建立一个高效廉洁、执政为民的服务型政府。

    Government civilization is an important part of socialist political civilization .

  20. 即使是比较廉洁的国家如新加坡也有一些贪污。

    Even a relatively clean country like Singapore has some corruption .

  21. 关于增强大学生廉洁教育实效性的思考

    Reflections on Enhancing Effectiveness of Probity Education of College Students

  22. 这是一个人廉洁运营商希望是我的梦想。

    It is a human being incorruptible operators want is my dream .

  23. 他的贫困足以证明他是廉洁的。

    He is proof against corruption as witness his poverty .

  24. 开展大学生廉洁教育的意义和途径

    Significance and Ways of Developing Honesty Education of College Students

  25. 你认为今届区议会选举系唔系廉洁进行?

    Do you think this year 's District Council election was corruption-free ?

  26. 第三部分,开展大学生廉洁教育的重要意义。

    Part ⅲ, importance of honesty education for college students .

  27. 推行电子政务,实现廉洁高效。

    Applying the electronics governmental affairs , realize incorrupt efficiently .

  28. 这实在是一个廉洁和不闪烁!

    This one is really clean and does not flicker !

  29. 依法治腐,建设廉洁政府。

    Administer corruption by law , construct the honest and cheap government .

  30. 我们要反对腐败,搞廉洁政治。

    We must oppose corruption and promote clean government .