
  • 网络Clean culture;probity culture
  1. 以客家廉洁文化推动和谐人际关系的构建

    Using the Probity Culture of Hakka to Promote the Construction of Harmonious Interpersonal Relationship

  2. 浅析国外廉洁文化对我国的启示

    Enlightenment of Foreign Probity Culture to Our Country

  3. 深入推进企业廉洁文化建设的实践与思考

    Practice and Thinking of Promotion of Clean Cultural Construction in Enterprise

  4. 廉洁奉公,以正治国以客家廉洁文化促进社会廉洁文化建设

    Depending upon Hakka Incorruptible Culture to Promote the Construction of Social Incorruptible Culture

  5. 客家廉洁文化在党的思想建设中的作用

    The Role of Hakka Honest Culture in the Ideological Construction of the Party

  6. 加强大学生廉洁文化建设初探

    Intensifying College Students ' Honest and Clean Culture Construction

  7. 廉洁文化在辽河油田落地生根

    Purificatory Culture Rooted In Liaohe Oilfield

  8. 那么作为石油企业,我们应该如何建立自己有特色的企业廉洁文化呢?

    So regard oil as the enterprise , how should we build him distinctive business clean-fingered culture ?

  9. 第二部分是对大学生廉洁文化教育的概述。

    The second part of the thesis summarises the education of honest and clean culture for college students .

  10. 第四部分运用问卷调查方法深入分析了大学生廉洁文化教育存在的问题及产生问题的主要原因。

    The fourth part analyzes deeply the existing realistic problems and its reasons of problems by way of questionnaires .

  11. 中华廉洁文化在新农村建设中的制度效能&基于新制度经济学视野的思考

    System Efficacy of Chinese Culture of Integrity in New Rural Construction & Thinking in View of New Institutional Economics

  12. 而建设和发展当代廉洁文化是弘扬和培育中华民族时代精神的现实选择和有效路径。

    Therefore , constructing Contemporary integrity culture is a realistic choice and effective way of fostering Chinese national spirit of times .

  13. 廉洁奉公是中华廉洁文化的现实要求和体现,是社会主义先进文化的重要内容。

    The integrity is the requirement and reflection of Chinese clean culture , which is an important part of socialist advanced culture .

  14. 最大限度地发挥中华廉洁文化在新农村建设中的制度效能,是实现新农村目标的客观要求。

    Maximizing the system efficacy of Chinese culture of integrity in new rural construction is the objective requirement for achieving new rural construction .

  15. 在构建和谐社会主题下,加强创新小沙江镇社会管理离不开廉洁文化建设的支撑。

    Under the construction harmonious society subject , the enhancement innovation villages and towns social management cannot leave the honest cultural reconstruction the support .

  16. 以企业精神和公司价值理念为核心,以安全文化、质量文化、廉洁文化、服务文化等为子文化的特色文化体系逐步形成。

    A cultural system based on the corporate spirit and values and consists of safety culture , quality culture , integrity culture and service culture is gradually coming into being .

  17. 腐败是目前我国的一个重大的政治经济和社会问题,廉洁文化的建设和完善成为一个非常重要而紧迫的课题。

    The corruption is a great political , economical and social concern in our country at present , so the construction and completion of probity culture become a very important and urgent subject .

  18. 因此,作为中华民族优秀传统文化核心内容的廉洁文化必然要进入党的先进性建设的研究视野,并显示突出的当代价值。

    Therefore , Chinese clean and honest culture , which is the core element of our outstanding traditional culture , will inevitably enter into research field of the advanced construction and demonstrate the prominent contemporary value .

  19. 为提高大学生思想政治素质和深入推进反腐倡廉工作,高校应加强大学生廉洁文化建设。

    In order to intensify college students ' ideological and political quality and deeply push on the work of anti-corruption and honest advocation , college and university should reinforce the construction of students ' honest and clean culture .

  20. 这就要求我们必须注重物质文明、政治文明、精神文明和社会文明建设的协同发展,为当代中国廉洁文化的价值实现创造良好的经济条件、政治条件、文化条件和主体条件。

    We must focus on joint development of material civilization , political civilization , spiritual civilization and socio-cultural construction , create a good economic conditions , political conditions , cultural conditions and the main conditions for Contemporary Chinese probity-culture .

  21. 其内在联系表现为,廉洁文化是中华民族时代精神的重要载体,中华民族时代精神是廉洁文化的灵魂,二者在内容上相融,在功能上趋同,在指导原则上相通。

    The inner link between them is that contemporary integrity culture is an important carrier of Chinese national spirit of times , which is the soul of Chinese integrity culture . So both share harmony in content , function and guiding principle .

  22. 第一部分为导论,阐述了本文的选题背景、研究意义和国内外廉洁文化教育的研究现状,提出了本文的研究思路和方法。

    The first part and introductory chapter explains the background of the paper and research meaning , summarizing the current situation at home and abroad about the honest and clean education of college students , proposing the research direction and methodology of the paper .

  23. 企业廉政文化是以廉政理念为核心、廉政理论为指导、廉政制度为基础,并辅之以丰富的文化内涵,最终以廉政教育活动和廉洁文化为表现形式的一种企业衍生文化。

    Clean notion as its core , clean theory as its direction , clean system as its foundation , and rich cultural connotation as its complement , clean corporation culture is a kind of derived corporation culture which takes a representing form of clean education activities and clean culture .

  24. 如廉政文化与腐败文化、廉洁文化、制度建设等关系,因此在实际操作过程当中,要统筹规划,根据需要和不同情况突出处理好各种关系;第五章为加强中国廉政文化建设的推进路径。

    If culture and the culture of corruption , clean culture , institution building , and so on , so in actual operation process , to co-ordinate planning , according to the needs and different situations highlighted deal relationships ; Chapter 5 to strengthen socialism with Chinese characteristics honest way .

  25. 加强制度建设、完善监控体系、廉洁政治文化是防止权力错位的有效手段。

    The effective ways to prevent the illegal use of authority involve in enhancing the system-creating , improving the supervision system and cleaning political culture etc.

  26. 承载和支持廉洁理念的文化事业与文化产业稳步发展。

    And the cultural cause and industry , which have been ap-plied to carry and support the honest notion , have been stably developed .

  27. 廉洁经营是企业文化的核心,是经营思想的灵魂,是企业形象关键之所在。

    Honest management is the core of enterprise culture , the sprit of managing thought and the key to enterprise image .