
  • 网络rubber plastic machinery
  1. 基于DSP的模块化橡塑机械控制器

    Moulding Rubber and Plastic Machines Controller Based DSP

  2. 四川亚联橡塑机械有限公司是中国橡胶工业协会废橡胶综合利用分会副理事长单位。

    Sichuan Yalian Rubber & Plastic Machinery Co. , Ltd is director unit of Scrap Rubber Comprehensive Utilization Branch of China Rubber Industry Association .

  3. 特别是汽车工业的快速发展促进了轮胎产业壮大,为橡塑机械的快速发展创造了契机。

    Especially the rapid development of automobile industry has promoted the growing of tire industry , which created an opportunity for the rapid development of rubber-plastic machinery .

  4. 本公司将一如继往以“质量第一,用户至上”的宗旨,真诚的为广大客户提供精良的橡塑机械,纺织机械设备。

    The company will maintain the principal " Quality is first and customer is first " and provide the customers with excellent rubber and plastic machinery and textile equipments .

  5. 通过模拟试验和回归分析,确定轧辊的最终化学成分,满足了大型橡塑机械轧辊的性能要求。

    The final chemical composition of roller was determined by using simulation test and regression analysis . As a result the requirements of properties for large rollers were fulfilled .

  6. 产品广泛应用于矿山,石油,冶金,化工,煤炭,水泥,造纸,电力,轧机,陶瓷,橡塑机械,重型机械等行业。

    The products extensively applied on mine , petroleum , metallurgy , chemical industry , coal , cement , papermaking , electric power , rolling mill , ceramics , heavy machinery , and so on .

  7. 我公司是生产经营各种优质橡塑制品及机械配件、密封件的专业企业。

    Our company is in all kinds of high-quality rubber products and machinery parts , seal the professional enterprises .

  8. 我们为打印机配件耗材行业、五金钻头行业、纺织行业、橡塑胶辊行业、机械行业等行业提供服务。

    We provide services for printer supplies accessories industry , metal drill bit industry , textile industry , plastic roller rubber industry , machinery industry and so on .