
xiànɡ shù lín
  • forest of oaks
  1. 从古老的橡树林到有数百年历史的白蜡树和山毛榉林,林地为包括蝴蝶、鸟类和昆虫在内的各种野生动物提供了庇护,并锁住了数百万吨碳。

    From ancient oak forests to centuries-old groves1 of ash or beech2 , they provide a refuge for wildlife , including butterflies , birds and insects , and lock up millions of tonnes of carbon .

  2. 原文由J。克里希那穆提写于1975年橡树林学校成立之时。

    The original Intent was written by J.Krishnamurti in1975 when Oak Grove School was founded .

  3. 橡树林学校提供精选的封闭式ESL课程,鼓励他们取得中级英语水平。

    Oak Grove offers a highly selective ESL Immersion Program to motivated students with intermediate English proficiency .

  4. 在位于喜马拉雅山脚下的印度Uttaranchal邦,壮观、古老的橡树林为流入低处平原的两条大河形成了一道自然的分水岭。

    At the foot of the Himalayas in the Indian state of Uttaranchal , forests of regal , old oak form a natural watershed for two major rivers that feed the plain below .

  5. 我还看见过橡树林中留存着的砖头。

    I have seen bricks amid the oak copse there .

  6. 一片美丽的橡树林现在之所以耸立在那里,都是因为某个人的关心啊。

    a beautiful oak forest stood there now - all because someone cared .

  7. 新英格兰以橡树林、枫树林和山核桃树林而闻名。

    New England is famous for its forests of oak , maple and hickory .

  8. 凯尔特人的祭司聚集在山顶上黝黑的橡树林里

    The Celtic priests would meet on the hill top in the dark oak forest

  9. 以大学预科为核心是橡树林学校的宗旨和意图。

    There is a college preparatory focus in accordance with the philosophy and intent of the school .

  10. 上世纪80年代正式拉开了种植松露的序幕,如今该地区播种了约6500公顷生长松露的矮橡树林。

    Planting began in the 1980s and some 6500 hectares of truffle-producing carrasca oak trees are now under cultivation .

  11. 大玻璃窗几乎消失于螺旋带中,使得18世纪草场,巨大的橡树林这些生动的画面不受阻挡。

    Large glass planes virtually disappear within the ribbon , allowing unimpeded picturesque views of18th century hay meadows and giant oaks .

  12. 出游树屋度假村位于美国俄勒冈州塔基尔马的橡树林里,旁边是锡斯基尤国家森林公园。

    Out'N About Treesort is nestled in an oak grove in Takilma , Oregon , right next to Siskiyou National Forest .

  13. 当地的农夫在软木橡树林的中央处,从他们的祖父辈就用过的同一批软木橡树上,将树皮一块块地取下。

    Farmers there , in the heart of the cork forest , remove bark from the same trees used by their great-grandfathers .

  14. 旅行者站在那里,回忆着它以前的荒凉;一片美丽的橡树林现在之所以耸立在那里,都是因为某个人的关心啊。

    The traveler stood there recalling the desolation that once was ; a beautiful oak forest stood there now & all because someone cared .

  15. 在橡树林学校,你会发现教师和整个社区都体贴入微,而且能帮助你发现自己的独特和天赋。

    At Oak Grove you will find a dedicated faculty and a whole community of thoughtful people interested in helping you to discover your uniqueness and your gifts .

  16. 后来,在去年夏天琼斯博罗橡树林里一个政治讲演会上,他们两人突然发现了思嘉。

    Then , last summer at a political speaking in a grove of oak trees at Jonesboro , they both suddenly became aware of Scarlett O ' Hara .

  17. 美国橡树林学校提供富有挑战性的大学预科课程,同时发展学生的自我反省的能力,培养他们诚实、自立和正直的品质。

    Oak Grove provides a challenging college preparatory program while striving to develop in each student a self-reflective capacity that leads to inner honesty , independence and integrity .

  18. 你就留在这里慢慢寻找福林特的宝藏吧。凯尔特人的祭司聚集在山顶上黝黑的橡树林里

    You can stay here , and find Flint 's money for yourself ,″ they says . The Celtic priests would meet on the hill top in the dark oak forest

  19. 山坡上的橡树林,树叶凋落,风儿嚎啕过处,犹如猛虎下山,威风振振。花岗石崖上,青苔斑斑,也似奇异画面;银松林里,白色茫茫。

    I can roar through the leafless oaks and shout down the hillside , and it can murmur in the white pines rooted among the granite ledges where lichen makes strange hieroglyphics .

  20. 即使到了现在,从山坡上残存下来的古老的橡树林和错落不齐的树林带上,从为牧场遮荫的许多空心树上,都找得到当年情形的痕迹。

    Even now , traces of its earlier condition are to be found in the old oak copses and irregular belts of timber that yet survive upon its slopes , and the hollow-trunked trees that shade so many of its pastures .

  21. 河对面的山冈上,威尔克斯家的白色烟囱在周围的茂密的橡树林中渐渐隐去,只有远处点点的晚餐灯火还能照见那所房子依稀犹在。

    On the hill across the river , the tall white chimneys of the Wilkes , home faded gradually into the darkness of the thick oaks surrounding them , and only far-off pin points of supper lamps showed that a house was here .