
  • 网络Rubber formula;NBR;zhangyongkai
  1. Al(OH)3准纳米材料在硅橡胶配方中的应用

    Application of quasi-micromillimeter material Al ( OH ) _3 in silicon rubber

  2. GMDH法在橡胶配方非线性建模中的应用

    Application of GMDH Method to Nonlinear Model of Rubber Formula

  3. 丁基橡胶配方实例表明,GMDH是目前较好的一种橡胶配方回归设计方法。

    Its application on the IIR formulation showed it was a successful example .

  4. 将其应用于橡胶配方优化设计,利用计算机进行辅助建模和优化,IIR内胎胶料配方实例表明该方法十分有效。

    The computer aided modeling and optimization were used in formulation design of rubber . The formulation example of butyl rubber inner tube compounds showed that the method was effective .

  5. 通过均匀设计安排橡胶配方试验,进而用数据处理组合方法(GMDH)建立高精度回归模型。

    A highly precise regression model of rubber formulation was built with the uniform design and GMDH ( group method of data handling ) method .

  6. 通过试验讨论了用TESPT改性处理的炭黑在橡胶配方中对胶料性能的影响。

    It discusses the effect of carbon black modified with TESPT on compound property in rubber recipe .

  7. 研究了低相对分子质量反式1,4聚异戊二烯蜡(LMTPIW)在橡胶配方中的应用。

    The application of low molecular weight trans 1,4 polyisoprene wax ( LMTPIW ) to rubber compound was investigated .

  8. 对EPDM胶料撕裂强度、扯断伸长率和拉伸强度的试验和三元二次回归方程分析表明,均匀设计法可大大减少橡胶配方试验次数且试验效果好;

    The test results and the regression analysis of the tear strength , elongation at break and tensile strength of EPDM compound show that the number of formulation experiment is significantly reduced and the higher experimental efficiency are obtained by using the uniform design method ;

  9. 随机均匀网格优化法在橡胶配方优化中的应用研究

    Random Uniform Grid and Its Application in Rubber Description Optimization Problems

  10. 主要进行可低温使用的改性天然橡胶配方试验。

    Effect of thickening agent on heat stability of natural rubber latex ;

  11. 21世纪的计算机辅助橡胶配方设计

    Computer aided design for rubber formulation in the 21st century

  12. 正交多项式回归在橡胶配方试验中的应用

    Application of Orthogonal Polynomial Regression to Rubber Formulation Experiment

  13. 虚拟目标法在多指标橡胶配方试验中的应用

    Application of fictitious objective method to multi-target formula experiment

  14. 橡胶配方与性能预测智能系统的研制

    The Intelligent System for Predicting Rubber Compound and Properties

  15. 主成分分析与神经网络在橡胶配方优化中的运用

    Application of Principal Component Analysis and Artificial Neural Networks to Rubber Formulation Optimization

  16. 自组织原理在橡胶配方设计中的应用

    Application of Self Organization Method in Rubber Recipe

  17. 耐溶剂橡胶配方的研究

    Study on Rubber Formulation of Solvent Resistant Compound

  18. 第二,对橡胶配方进行改进。

    Secondly , to improve the rubber formulation .

  19. 柔性接头用低模量硅橡胶配方及界面粘接技术研究

    Research on low modulus silicon rubber formula and interface adhesion technology for flexible joints

  20. 神经网络在橡胶配方设计中的应用

    Application of neural networks to rubber formulation

  21. 降低橡胶配方设计成本的途径

    Cost Reduction of Rubber Recipe Design

  22. 橡胶配方设计的相关性原理

    Correlation Principle for Designing Compound Formula

  23. 抽油泵衬套橡胶配方的设计

    Formulation Design of Oil Pump Bushing

  24. 利用计算机数据库技术实现模糊法在橡胶配方设计中的应用。

    Realize the fuzzy method used in compound formula design by using the computer data base technology .

  25. 经过胶料配方设计、混炼工艺及硫化胶性能的反复研究,确定了低温改性天然橡胶配方和基本混炼工艺。

    The formula of modified nature rubber was determined by formula designing , mix process and vulcanizing properties .

  26. 轮胎胎面胶配方实例表明,此方法可较好地解决多性能指标的橡胶配方综合评价问题。

    The example about tread formulation showed that the application of this method to rubber compounding was suitable .

  27. 本文介绍了有机硅改性聚醚橡胶配方、硫化及性能。

    The formulation , vulcanization and property of polyether rubber modified by silicone are described in this paper .

  28. 由此导出橡胶配方设计的相关性原理,并为橡胶配方计算机辅助设计软件的编制提供了理论基础。

    We can thus introduce the correlation principles for designing compound formula and provide theoretical base for setting up CAD software of compound formula .

  29. 研究了正交多项式回归在橡胶配方试验中的应用,并提出了一种基于解释结构模型的建模方法。

    This phase studies the application of orthogonal polynomial regression in rubber formulation experiment and the application of Interpretive Structural Model in Multi-response Modeling Problems .

  30. 本文研究了在室温下,通过改变橡胶配方,对多种特种硫化橡胶与金属进行了粘合。

    This text has been studied under the room temperature , through changing the rubber , we have bonded many kinds of vulcanized rubber to metal .