
  • 网络rubber liner
  1. 橡胶衬板在云浮硫铁矿自磨工艺中的应用

    Application of rubber liner in autogenous grinding

  2. 棒磨机用橡胶衬板获得良好的经济效果。

    Rubber linings has shown good economic results in rod mills .

  3. 橡胶衬板在格子型及溢流型球磨机上的使用

    Application of Rubber Lining Plate in Grate Over Flow Ball Mills

  4. 采用橡胶衬板加固主溜井的可行性探讨

    Discussion on the feasibility of main chute reinforcement by rubber lining

  5. 耐磨橡胶衬板物理性能测试分析

    Testing and Analysis of Physical Properties of Wear-Resisting Rubber Lining

  6. 湿式磨矿机橡胶衬板的研究

    Studies of Rubber Linings for Wet Grinding Mills

  7. 磨机用耐磨橡胶衬板

    Wear & resisting Rubber Lining Used in Grinder

  8. 橡胶衬板不能仿照船舵型或波形锰钢衬板的形状。

    Previous rubber linings often capied manganese steel linings of ship lap or wave type .

  9. 橡胶衬板在球磨机上的推广使用

    Application of Rubber Lining to Ball Mill

  10. 橡胶衬板不受腐蚀,但受到浓酸的损害。

    Rubber linings does not Corrode but will be affected by acids of high Concentration .

  11. 耐磨橡胶衬板的研制

    Development of Wear Resistant Rubber Lining

  12. 综述了耐磨橡胶衬板的开发与应用。

    An report about the development and application of wear & resisting rubber lining is presentde in this paper .

  13. 介绍了国内外铁基合金衬板和橡胶衬板的应用现状,指出磨矿机衬板材料应打破单一使用高锰钢的状况。

    It was benifit to use the rubber lining instead of the manganese steel lining in the ball crusher .

  14. 本实用新型的耐磨陶瓷橡胶衬板具有既耐磨又耐冲击,安装更换方便的特点。

    The wear-resistant ceramic-rubber liner is not only wear resistant and impact preventive but is convenient in mounting and replacement .

  15. 当从钢衬板改为橡胶衬板时,人们通常不愿意改变这些因素。

    Normally , there are a reluctance to change these variables when converting from a steel lining to a rubber lining .

  16. 本文着重队对耐磨橡胶衬板这一新型材料的物理性能测试结果分析入手,对该材料作出评定。

    Wear-resisting rubber lining . a new kind of material , has been evaluated from analysing its testing results of physical properties .

  17. 就磨损观点来看,橡胶衬板最重要的磨损因素是给矿粒度,磨矿介质尺寸,磨机转速和简体直径。

    The most important grinding variables from the point of view of wear are feed size , grinding media size , mill speed , and mill diameter .

  18. 介绍了金属矿山主溜井的几种加固形式,对橡胶衬板在主溜井加固中的应用可行性进行了分析,并介绍了该种加固方式在国内外的探索情况。

    Several lining forms of main chute in metal mines are reviewed briefly , the feasibility of main chute reinforcement by rubber lining is analysed , and the application of this lining form at home and abroad is also introduced .

  19. 以天然橡胶及顺丁橡胶为主要原料生产的耐磨橡胶衬板,广泛应用于陶瓷磨浆机和褐铁矿磨机等方面。

    Wear-resisting rubber lining made from natural rubber and maleic rubber are widely used for ceramic-grinder and ironstonegrinder .