
tǔ dì bǎo hù
  • land protection;protection of land
  1. 贵州西部石漠化与土地保护

    Land Protection and Stony Desert in the West of Guizhou Province

  2. 土地保护法律制度的经济思考与分析

    Economic Thinking and Analysis on Land Protection Law System

  3. 要采取有效措施切实把黑土地保护好、利用好。

    Effective measures should be made to protect and utilize the high-yielding black soil .

  4. 土地保护性储备计划(CRP)及其对中国退耕还林工程的启示

    Conservation Reserve Program and Its Enlightenment to China 's conversion of Farmland back to Forests Project

  5. 积极支持社会主义新农村建设做好土地保护工作

    Strengthening Farmland Protection and Supporting the Building of New Socialist Countryside

  6. 通过管制或非管制的方式宣传土地保护。

    Promote land conservation through a mix of regulatory and non-regulatory means .

  7. 土地保护的坚定拥护者们也主张无耕农业。

    Strong proponents of soil protection also advocate no-till agriculture .

  8. 东北黑土地保护问题的调查报告

    Investigation report on the issue of black soil protection

  9. 清镇市农村土地保护规划研究

    Research on the planning of rural land protection in the city of Qingchen

  10. 关于做好土地保护利用和管理工作的思考

    Thought on how to do the land protection , utilization and management work well

  11. 长期土地保护也必须与农民们短期的经济需要平衡到一起。

    Long term soil conservation practices must also be balanced with farmers'short term economic needs .

  12. 劳动者素质低下,环境及土地保护意识薄弱。

    The lower stuff of people and the lower consciousness of protecting environment and soil .

  13. 2003年国内外土地保护研究述略

    Overview of Land Conservation in 2003

  14. 据称土地保护运动上个星期对两个村庄发动一次袭击,导致13人丧生。

    The group was blamed for an attack on two villages last week that killed 13 people .

  15. 现行的农村土地保护制度不完善,缺乏社会化、多元化的农村土地保护机制。

    Lacking socialized and diversified mechanism , the existing rural land protection policy is still not perfect .

  16. 土地保护和发展委员会

    D Conservation and Development Commission

  17. 土地保护、特别是农用地保护在我国当代是一个重大的战略问题。

    It is an important strategic issue of lands protection , especially for the rural land in current China .

  18. 同时,梳理了目前中国土地保护、调控的政策体系,包括各种政策、法规、法律等。

    Meanwhile , current policy system about land protection has been observed , including different policies , regulations and laws .

  19. 老挝砍伐森林的动力和土地保护策略

    Agroforestry in the Utilization and Conservation of Slope Land ; Driving Forces of Deforestation and Land Conservation Strategy in Laos

  20. 政府在农村土地保护政策的执行上存在很多问题,效果不理想。

    There are many problems in the policy implementation of the governmental rural land protection , the result is not satisfactory .

  21. 全面推进土地保护、开发与整治。&统筹规划海洋的开发和整治。

    Land preservation , exploitation and control have been promoted on a full scale . & Overall planning for marine development and control .

  22. 我国土地保护方面的内容主要是义务性规定,忽略了授权性规定对于土地利用和保护的重要作用。

    Land protection in China mainly is mandatory , ignored the mandate of the provisions of protection for land use and important role .

  23. 这样,既能够满足建设用地的紧迫需要,又能保持我国土地保护的总量不减少。

    Therefore , it would meet the desires for the constructions lands while keep the amount of lands to protect the national land resources .

  24. 城市化进程中,发展和土地保护是一对矛盾。矛盾既对立又统一,如何实现矛盾的转化,由对立走向和谐共生才是我们关注的焦点。

    Development and land protection is a contradiction in the process of urbanization , but harmony from the opposite direction is the focus of our attention .

  25. 与此同时,肯尼亚军警正在继续一项打击西部瑟伯特土地保护部队的行动,行动开始于上星期初。

    Meanwhile , Kenya 's military and police are continuing an operation that began early last week in the country 's west against the Sabaot Land Defense Force .

  26. 研究结果:国内外土地保护研究在土地保护目标、研究方法、各研究领域的成果分布和成果的针对性等方面存在着明显差别。

    The results show that significant differences exist between China and other countries , particularly in land conservation objectives , research methodology , disciplinary distribution and pertinence of research .

  27. 研究目的:检讨国内外土地保护研究成果的特点,为构建中国科学的土地保护机制,走出布朗预言发挥积极作用。

    The purpose of this article is to review research achievements on land conservation both in domestic and abroad , and help construct scientific mechanism of land conservation in China .

  28. 瑟伯特土地保护部队一直介入埃尔冈山地区因土地分配所产生的冲突,冲突导致过去两年来数百人丧生,数万人无家可归。

    The group has been involved in clashes over land distribution in the Mt. Elgon district that have killed several-hundred people in the past two years and displaced tens of thousands .

  29. 旅游用地复合化利用作为一种既能满足旅游开发,又能实现土地保护的方式,是缓解两者矛盾的有效途径。

    The composite use of tourism land as a complex of tourist development that meets the land but also the protection of the method is effective to alleviate the contradictions between the two channels .

  30. 该材料的发展,符合国家的建筑节能政策、土地保护政策和环境保护政策,其用途广泛,价格低廉,有着极强的市场竞争力。

    It has high economic benefit and is conformity with the development direction of national building energy saving standard , land preservation policy , and environment protection policy , therefore it offeres enormous competitive power in the market .