
  • 网络Turkish Ice Cream;Maras Dondurma
  1. 托普拉克(HalitToprak)在各色夜市贩卖土耳其冰淇淋(dondurma)已有五年之久,他说,他通过兜售祖国受欢迎的甜品来跟台湾人民分享土耳其文化。

    Halit Toprak , has been selling Turkish ice cream , or dondurma , in various night markets for the five years . He said selling a beloved dessert from his home country is his way of sharing his culture with Taiwanese people .

  2. 买了冰淇淋的游客可以在那里吃,也可以带走。每天,土耳其冰淇淋的卖主都能卖出3000-4000份,每份卖25元。

    Sold to eat here or to go , the Turkish icecream vendor can sell 3-to-4-thousand servings a day , costing 25 yuan each .

  3. 一位顾客说,我来这(世博园)只是为了尝尝土耳其的冰淇淋。

    A customer said , I come here simply for the icecream .

  4. 一位顾客说,“我来这(世博园)只是为了尝尝土耳其的冰淇淋。”

    A customer said , " I come here simply for the icecream . "

  5. 土耳其的冰淇淋被誉为世界最浓的,若是拉长的话,可以与中国的兰州拉面一较高下。

    Turkey 's icecream is hailed as the world 's thickest . When stretched , it can be compared with western China 's Lanzhou noodles .

  6. 土耳其馆的冰淇淋摊最受欢迎。

    The hottest icecream stand is at the Turkish Pavilion .