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tǔ huáng dì
  • local despot;local tyrant;local despot (tyrant)
土皇帝 [tǔ huáng dì]
  • [local despot (tyrant)] 指盘踞一方有势力的人物,有贬义

  • 这个土皇帝,不顾工地职工的健康,在副食品供应上给我们施加压力

土皇帝[tǔ huáng dì]
  1. 他彻头彻尾是个土皇帝。

    He is every inch a local despot .

  2. 这两只可爱的小熊宝宝看起来就好像是在争着坐上土皇帝的宝座一般,它们互相扭打着要把对方撵下木桩子。

    These adorable baby bears look just like they 're playing King of the Castle-as they battle to knock each other off a log .

  3. 地方精英们在撒拉社会经历了从皇帝土皇帝国族的政治框架变迁下,也从传统的地方保护性精英转变为具有国家性与制度性的功利理性主义的精英。

    Under such background of Salar society experiencing " emperor-local despot-nation ", The local elites also changed from traditional local protectionism to Utility rationalism with the characteristic of national and institutionalism .