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  1. 宋代二府三司制的中枢机构体制取代了隋唐时期的三省六部制,分散和转移了宰相的权力。

    The secretary office of song dynasty replaced three-and-six provinces of the sui-tang period , decentralized and transferred the rights of the prime minister .

  2. 经五代十国至北宋,二府三司制最终确立。

    From Five Dynasties and Ten States to the Northern Song Dynasty , the system of the two government offices and three departments were established ultimately .

  3. 执掌这家香港蓝筹股企业的郭氏兄弟昨日凌晨获准保释,一同获释的还有香港前第二高官前政务司司长许仕仁(rafaelhui)。

    The brothers , who run the Hong Kong blue-chip , were released on bail early yesterday morning , together with Rafael Hui , formerly the second-most senior official in the government of the territory .