
  • 网络Secondary circuit;loop;secondary loop
  1. 压水堆;二回路;经济性;诊断;

    PWR nuclear power plant ; the secondary circuit ; economy ; diagnosis ;

  2. 压水堆核电站二回路的水汽质量

    Water Vapor Quality in Secondary Circuit of PWR

  3. PWR核电站二回路系统中的腐蚀-侵蚀及其对策

    Secondary Cycle Corrosion-Erosion Problems in PWR Power Plants and Countermeasures

  4. 介绍了一种新的探测反应堆一回路冷却剂向二回路泄漏的方法&~(16)N测量法。

    A new method , the nitrogen 16 measurement method for monitoring the leakage of the primary coolant into the second circuit in the reactor has been presented .

  5. 蒸汽发生器(SteamGenerator简称SG),作为核动力装置中一、二回路之间的连接枢纽,是核电站的关键设备,也是核动力装置运行中发生故障最多的设备之一。

    Steam Generator , as the hinge linking the primary and secondary circuits in nuclear-power device , is one of the easing-broken devices .

  6. 针对ATE系统并入二回路运行时,对其运行过程中产生硫酸根的现象与原因进行分析。

    Based on ATE system merges into the second recirculation loop , the phenomenon and reason of sulfate radical have been researched .

  7. PWR机组二回路热力系统循环函数法理论的研究

    A study on cyclical function method theory for thermal system of the second circuit of PWR nuclear power plant

  8. 因此,SG传热管用材必须满足苛刻的技术要求,其中最关键的是要满足在PWR运行温度范围内具有良好的抗一、二回路水介质腐蚀的能力。

    Therefore , the materials for SG heat exchange tubes must meet stringent technical requirements , among which resistance to the corrosion in primary and secondary coolant corrosion is of the greatest concern .

  9. SCAS是中国核动力研究设计院编制的反应堆二回路蒸汽活化产物源项程序。

    SCAS is the source term code to calculate steam activation products in secondary loop of reactor , which is developed by Nuclear Power Institute of China .

  10. 压水堆核电站二回路热力系统的设计特点

    Design Features of the Secondary Loop Thermal Systems of PWR unit

  11. 压水堆核电站二回路蒸汽循环及其改进

    The Steam Cycle of PWR Secondary System and Its Improvement

  12. 卡利纳循环在核电厂二回路系统的应用探讨

    Research on Application of Kalina-Cycle in Second-Loop System of Nuclear Power Plants

  13. 蒸汽发生器二回路两相流模拟实验装置

    Simulation Device for Two-Phase Flow in Steam Generator

  14. 压水堆核电机组二回路的反平衡单元分析法

    Inverse-balance Element Analysis for the Secondary Circuit of a Pressurized Water Reactor-based Nuclear Power Plant

  15. 压水堆机组二回路热力系统实时仿真研究

    A study on a real-time simulation for the second loop of PWR nuclear power unit

  16. 介绍了核电机组二回路主蒸汽与给水回热系统实时仿真。

    A real time model of simulation of secondary system for PWR nuclear power unit is presented .

  17. 压水堆核电机组二回路热力系统汽水流量分配计算的研究

    A Study of Steam-water Flow Distribution Calculation for the Secondary-circuit Thermodynamic System of PWR Nuclear Power Plant

  18. 电机用闭式循环冷却器卡利纳循环在核电厂二回路系统的应用探讨

    Closed circuit cooler for electric machine Research on Application of Kalina-Cycle in Second-Loop System of Nuclear Power Plants

  19. 连续监测反应堆一回路冷却剂向二回路泄漏的一种新方法

    A new method for continuously monitoring the leakage of the primary coolant into the second circuit in the reactor

  20. 本文以二回路蒸汽系统为仿真对象,建立并验证了动态仿真数学模型。

    Dynamic simulation mathematic models for steam system of the secondary loop were established and validated in this paper .

  21. 还介绍了保证压水堆核电站二回路水汽质量的措施。

    Furthermore , this article introduces the techniques to ensure the water vapor quality in secondary circuit of PWR .

  22. 破口大小和二回路运行状态对核供热堆自然循环断流瞬态的影响

    Influences of break size and operating state of secondary loop on flow break by nuclear heating reactor loss of coolant accident

  23. 在此基础上得到整个二回路热力系统的系统凝汽系数,可以方便地用来分析二回路系统的热经济性。

    On the above basis said , the system exhaust coefficient is given which reveal the thermal-economy of the secondary circuit expediently .

  24. 以二回路快速降负荷为例,对仿真模型的性能进行了验证。

    As an example , the capability of the simulation model was validated by taking simulation of rapidly power reducing condition of secondary loop .

  25. 瞬态工况测试结果显示该仿真能较好地模拟反应堆一、二回路的控制与保护功能。

    The results of transient test events show that the simulation successfully fulfills control and protection function of primary and secondary loop in NPP .

  26. 除氧器系统是核电站二回路的重要组成部分,它的控制性能的下降将直接导致给水品质恶化、流量波动,严重时会危及系统安全。

    The degression of its control performance will cause the deterioration of the feedwater , in the worst case , will endanger the whole system .

  27. 本文对压水反应堆核电站一回路、二回路的水化学工况进行了分析,并与常规电站的水工况进行了比较。

    Water chemistry analysis is made for the primary and secondary loops of a PWR plant and so is the comparison with that of fossil power plants .

  28. 传统的核电站安全分析多局限于对核岛的研究,对于二回路多以边界条件的形式进行模拟,具有很大的局限性。

    Traditional nuclear power plant safety analysis was confined to the study of nuclear island , using boundary conditions to simulate the secondary loop , had significant limitations .

  29. 建立了核电二回路热效计算模型,并通过对机组变工况的实例计算,验证了该模型的有效性。

    Build up a nuclear power plant thermal efficiency calculation of secondary-loop model , and calculated the different variable conditions of units to verify the validity of the model .

  30. 采用模块化建模方法建立了核电站二回路的动态模型,并完成了秦山核电二期汽轮机甩负荷特性的分析。

    In order to analyze the characteristics of load rejection for turbine generator of Qinshan Phase II NPP Project , a dynamic model based on module modeling method is developed .