
  • 网络Inherent Safety;inherently safe
  1. 本实验包括了多种射流模式,有助于揭示新一代固有安全型反应堆在事故条件下内部的混合与分层现象。

    The tests that cover a variety of injection modes will contribute to reveal the nature of mixing and stratification phenomena under accident conditions to a new generation of inherently safe reactors .

  2. 加速器驱动次临界系统(ADS)因其嬗变能力强,中子经济性好以及其固有安全性成为未来先进核反应堆主要备选堆型。

    Accelerator driven sub-critical system ( ADS ) is a choice for future advanced nuclear reactor , because of its strong transmutation capability , good neutron economy and its inherent safety .

  3. 200MW核供热堆的固有安全性

    The Inherent Safety Features of 200 MW Nuclear Heating Reactor

  4. 理论计算和堆上试验表明,5MW低功率堆(LPR)具有较好的固有安全性。

    It is proved by theory analysis and some tests relative to inherent safety that the5MW LPR has favourable inherent safety .

  5. 非能动余热排出系统是模块式高温气冷堆(MHTR)实现固有安全性的重要保证。

    Passive residual heat removal system is the key assurance for the inherent safety of modular high-temperature gas-cooled reactor ( MHTR ) .

  6. 10MW高温气冷堆(HTR-10)是清华大学核能与新能源技术研究院(INET)设计建造的,它有固有安全性好、易模块化、投资相对小及建造周期短等优点。

    10MW High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor ( HTR-10 ) was designed and built by the Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology ( INET ) of Tsinghua University in China . It has desired characteristics such as inherent safety , modularity , relatively low cost and short construction period .

  7. 这些设计措施大大提高了该堆的固有安全性。

    These design measures greatly enhance its inherent safety features .

  8. 90年代新堆型:关于提高压水堆固有安全性的问题

    New reactor for nineties : on improvement of inherent safety for PWR

  9. 钠冷快堆核电厂瞬态特性及固有安全性研究

    Transient behaviour and inherent safety research of LMF-BR power plants

  10. 先进压水堆的一个重要特点是固有安全特性。

    One of the apparent characteristics of advanced PWR is inherent safety .

  11. 非能动安全是反应堆固有安全性的重要组成部分。

    One of the significant compositions of inherent safety is passive safety .

  12. 新概念熔盐堆的固有安全性及相关关键问题研究

    Research on Inherent Safety and Relative Key Issues of a Molten Salt Reactor

  13. 铅冷快堆固有安全性的分析

    Inherent Safety Analysis for Lead Cooled Fast Breeder Reactor

  14. 本文描述了这些系统的设计和固有安全特性。

    The design and inherent safety of these systems are described in this paper .

  15. 固有安全、经济及多功能是该堆型最显著的特点。

    The prominent advantage of pulsed reactor is its inherent safety , economy and versatility .

  16. 该方案相比一次侧设计方案,固有安全性较高。

    The design is good for its inherent safety , comparing with the primary-side design .

  17. 反应堆瞬变的固有安全性;

    Inherent safety of reactivity transient ;

  18. 运行实践表明,5兆瓦堆具有良好的固有安全性和运行可靠性。

    The operation practice indicates the HR & 5 has excellent inherent safety and high reliability .

  19. 我们也相信这项工作将有助于在一个调整的脊骨疗法的固有安全性的认识。

    We also believe this work will assist in an understanding of the inherent safety of chiropractic adjustments .

  20. 反应堆的设计中,必须考虑到正常工况和各种基准事故下的运行状态,并予以分析以增强反应堆的固有安全性。

    All kinds of the design basis accidents must be taken into account in the thermal design of reactor .

  21. 每一种新型飞机投入使用前必须制订一份维修大纲,以保持飞机的固有安全性和可靠性。

    The maintenance program must be prepared to insure the security and reliability before operating for the new type aircraft .

  22. HTR-10的设计,体现了模块式高温气冷堆的先进特征,其中最主要的是固有安全特性。

    The HTR-10 design incorporates the advanced features of the modular gas-cooled reactor concepts , which are mostly characterized by the inherent safety design .

  23. 这种传动具有结构简单、可靠性高、固有安全、降低反应堆高度、经济等优点。

    The drive is characterized by simplicity in structure , high reliability , in - herent safety , reduction in reactor height , economy , etc.

  24. 分析了模块式高温气冷堆所具有的固有安全特性:1.余热载出的固有安全特性;

    In the paper an analysis for the safety characteristics of Modular HTGR is made , which involves : 1 . passive safety of removal of decay heat ;

  25. 这种简化的布置,对提高反应堆的固有安全性、可靠性都具有重要意义,但设备的检修比较困难。

    This simplified integral arrangement improves the inherent safety of the reactor . However , this integral structure also brings to inestimable difficulties for the maintenance of equipments .

  26. 它可以在保持模块式高温堆良好固有安全性的前提下,将模块式高温堆的功率从200MWt提高到350MWt。

    This design can increase the unit power capacity of HTR-Module from 200 MWt to 350 MWt while it can keep the inherent safety characteristics of modular reactor .

  27. 自然循环铅合金冷却反应堆具有良好的中子、热工水力性能和固有安全特性,已成为第四代核能系统发展与研究的方向。

    Natural circulation lead alloy cooled reactor is an important developing and designing direction of the fourth advanced reactors with high performance in neutronics , thermal hydraulics and security features .

  28. 客户应在本合同的首页标明处于固有安全状态的所有产品,以便使用合适的备件及操作步骤维护此种状态。

    Customer shall indicate on the first page of this Agreement any Product which is intrinsically safe so that appropriate parts and procedures may be used to maintain such status .

  29. 初步安全分析结果表明,10兆瓦高温气冷实验堆具有良好固有安全特性,在上述假想事故工况下反应堆均处于安全允许状态。

    The preliminary results of safety analysis show that the 10 MW HTR Test Module has good inherent safety features . Under all above postulated accident conditions the reactor will be in a safety allowable condition .

  30. 模块式高温气冷堆是一种先进的、具有固有安全性的新型反应堆,其冷却剂氦气的出口温度可高达950℃,可以采用气体透平发电技术,以提高发电效率。

    The modular high temperature gas cooled reactor ( MHTGR ) is a modern passively safe reactor . The reactor and helium gas turbine may be combined for high efficiency 's power conversion , because MHTGR has high outlet temperature up to 950 ℃ .