
  • 网络Residual heat removal system;rRA;rhrs
  1. AC-600应急余热排出系统建模与动态仿真

    Modeling and Dynamic Simulation for Emergen Residual Heat Removal System of AC 600

  2. GO-FLOW法在压水堆余热排出系统可靠性分析中的应用

    Application of GO-FLOW Methodology to RHS Reliability Analysis in PWR

  3. 200MW核供热堆余热排出系统排热能力及其影响因素分析

    Heat Removed Ability and Its Influencing Factors Analysis on Residual Heat Removed System of 200 MW Nuclear Heating Reactor

  4. 200MW供热堆采用自然循环的余热排出系统,具有非能动安全的特点。

    A residual heat removal system ( RHRS ) with natural circulation is used in 200 MW Heating Reactor . It is a passive safety system .

  5. 非能动余热排出系统是模块式高温气冷堆(MHTR)实现固有安全性的重要保证。

    Passive residual heat removal system is the key assurance for the inherent safety of modular high-temperature gas-cooled reactor ( MHTR ) .

  6. 运用一维流体动力学模型对200MW核供热堆余热排出系统的余热排出过程进行数值模拟,并对该系统的排热能力及其影响因素进行了分析。

    The 200 MW NHR ( nuclear heating reactor ) RHRS ( residual heat removed system ) is numerically simulated by one dimension fluid dynamics model . The heat removed ability of 200 MW NHR RHRS and its influencing factors are analyzed .

  7. AC600二次侧非能动应急堆芯余热排出系统实验装置是一座大型非能动安全系统实验研究装置。

    The secondary side passive emergency Core residual heat removal system ( ECRHR System ) test facility is a large scale passive safety system experimental test rig , which is designed base on the thermal hydraulic simulating theory and criteria .

  8. 非能动余热排出系统的瞬态特性数值分析

    Numerical Study on Transient Characteristics of Passive Residual Heat Removal System

  9. 先进钍基核能系统非能动慢化剂余热排出系统概念设计

    Concept Design of Residual Heat Removal System with Passive Moderator of TANES

  10. 余热排出系统冷却丧失事故

    The loss of cooling event of decay heat removal system

  11. 核动力装置非能动余热排出系统的数学建模与仿真

    Modeling and Simulation of Passive Residual Heat Removal System in Nuclear Power Plant

  12. 自然循环的余热排出系统的分析

    Analysis for residual heat removal system with natural circulation

  13. 压水堆核电厂余热排出系统设计中一些安全问题的探讨

    Somes Safety Issues in Residual Removal System Design of Pressurized Water Reactor Npps

  14. 中国先进压水堆非能动余热排出系统瞬态特性研究

    Transient Characteristic Research on Passive Residual Heat Removal System of Chinese Advanced PWR

  15. 采用自然循环的余热排出系统是一种被动安全的系统。

    The residual heat removal system with natural circulation is a passive safety system .

  16. 先进堆非能动余热排出系统冷热芯位差阈值研究

    Advance PWR Passive Residual Heat Removal System Cool Hot Core Potential Difference Threshold Research

  17. 压力管式反应堆非能动余热排出系统方案研究

    Conceptual study of passive residual heat removal system of a pressure tube water reactor

  18. 非能动余热排出系统瞬态分析

    Transient analyses of passive residual heat removal system

  19. 介绍了高温气冷堆非能动余热排出系统的辐射换热计算方法。

    Three methods are introduced to calculate thermal radiation in High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor ( HTGR ) .

  20. 特别是当核电厂在半环运行工况时,发生余热排出系统丧失的事故后果是非常严重的。

    Especially , loss of residual heat removal ( RHR ) system at mid-loop operation is very significant .

  21. 微流量启动使余热排出系统参数波动变大,达到稳定过程的时间变长。

    The small flow rate start-up mode results in system fluctuations that increase with time until a stable process is reached .

  22. 因为,一旦余热排出系统丧失,堆芯衰变热将无法及时排出,并导致堆芯损坏。

    Once , RHR system is unavailable , core decay heat will gather in the core , and lead to core damage .

  23. 研究建立了蒸汽发生器二次侧非能动应急堆芯余热排出系统热工水力特性的物理与数学模型,并编制了计算机程序。

    The thermal hydraulic model for the passive emergence residual heat removal system in the secondary side of the steam generator is established and the computer code is finished .

  24. 针对法国900MW压水堆核电厂余热排出系统的设计,探讨了其存在的一些安全问题及其设计改进方案。并指出余热排出系统在事故缓解中的重要性。

    In this paper , some safety issues and improving methods in French900MWePWR design are discussed and the importance of the residual heat removal system in accident mitigation are pointed out .

  25. 根据半环运行工况的事故运行规程和缓解措施有效性的分析结果,建立了余热排出系统丧失始发事件的事件树。

    Finally , according to abnormal procedure and the results obtained in the simulation , then event trees for loss of RHR system during mid-loop operation are built during different initial events .

  26. 用一维流体动力学模型分析了具有三重自然循环回路的余热排出系统的余热排出过程,给出过程各参数的变化。

    The residual heat removal process for a residual heat removal system with threefold natural circulation loops is analyzed with an one dimensional hydrodynamic model , and the change of several parameters of this system is given .

  27. 非能动余热排出系统是非能动安全设计思想的一个成功应用,担负着反应堆停堆后安全可靠地排出堆芯余热,防止出现堆芯熔化事故的重任。

    The passive residual heat removal system ( PRHR ) is a successful application of the passive safety design theory . Its function is to remove core decay heat for any postulated non-LOCA event , prevent the occurrence of reactor meltdown accident .

  28. 本文针对压力管式钍基先进核能系统(TANES)提出了一种非能动余热排出(PRHR)系统方案。

    This paper presents conceptual design for a passive residual heat removal ( PRHR ) system of the pressure tube water reactor ( PTWR ) that is called thorium-based advanced nuclear energy system ( TANES ) as well .

  29. 余热排出泵是余热排出系统(RRA)的主要组成部分,是除核主泵之外唯一布置在核岛之内的核二级泵,是关系到核岛能否安全停堆的核心装备。

    The residual heat removal pump is a main component of RRA and is the only nuclear secondary pump which is installed inside the nuclear island except the main pump and which significantly affects whether the reactor can shut-down .