
  • 网络YU Lik Wai;Yu Lik-wai;Nelson Yu;Nelson Yu Lik-wai;YuLik-wai
  1. 余力为是知名导演贾樟柯的御用摄影师。

    Yu is the regular cinematographer of leading director Jia Zhang-ke .

  2. 全片对电影技法的运用流畅自如,余力为娴熟的摄影功底功不可没。

    The film is a pretty smooth technical package with crisp cinematography from Yu Lik Wai .

  3. 在为她所有的家人挑选了礼物后,她甚至还有余力为当地医院捐赠价值1000镑的礼物。

    After sorting out gifts for all of her family , she has even been able to donate 1,000 worth of presents to her local hospital .

  4. 当赘余力多于两个时,选择中间支承处梁的内弯矩作为赘余力更为有利。

    When there are more than two redundants , it is advantageous to select the redundants as the bending moments in the beam at the intermediate supports .