
  • 网络The Blue Kite
  1. 我所看到的,只是那只蓝风筝。

    All I saw was the blue kite .

  2. 蓝风筝割断一只紫色的大家伙,转了两个大圈。

    The blue kite sliced a big purple one and swept twice in big loops .

  3. 因为今天,你所有付出的代价只是这个蓝风筝。

    Because today , it 's only going to cost you that blue kite .

  4. 还能放我的红蓝风筝吗?

    Fly my red and blue kite ?

  5. 在他身后,有一堆破布瓦砾,摆着那只蓝风筝。

    Behind him , sitting on piles of scrap and rubble , was the blue kite .

  6. 现在,我要去帮你追那只蓝风筝。

    Right now , I 'm going to run that blue kite for you , he said .

  7. 我的眼光转向一只蓝风筝,在过去那个钟头里面,它大开杀戒。

    My eyes kept returning to a blue kite that had been wreaking havoc for the last hour .

  8. 我边拉着线,边朝每个人微笑,但我的心思在那个蓝风筝上。

    I pulled on the string and returned every smile , but my mind was on the blue kite .

  9. 我睁开眼睛,望见蓝风筝猛然扎下,好像轮胎从高速行驶的轿车脱落。

    I opened my eyes , saw the blue kite spinning wildly like a tire come loose from a speeding car .

  10. 想象大雨天,落雪天,蓝风筝,荒草地蔓延得很长,野菊花在摇摆。

    Imagining the big rainy day , leave the snow and sky , blue kite , spreading very long on the desolate meadow , the mother chrysanthemum is waving .

  11. 又过了十五分钟,早上那个看起来十分好笑的梦突然之间触手可及:只剩下我和另外一个家伙了,那只蓝风筝。

    Another fifteen minutes and what had seemed like a laughable dream that morning had suddenly become reality : It was just me and the other guy . The blue kite .

  12. 蓝风筝知道自己麻烦来了,它绝望地使出各种花招,试图摆脱险境,但我不会放过它,我稳住位置。

    The blue kite knew it was in trouble . It was trying desperately to maneuver out of the jam , but I didn 't let go . I held position .